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I walked inside the O.L.Y.M.P.Y.S. building I had been in thousands of times because of Jason.

Technically, I was here about Jason, but not my normal way. They wanted to question me about my brother.

I wanted to tell them everything, but I barely knew anything. It's not like I could just tell them how different we were, although we were like the night and day.

We both had powers, but nobody knew mine existed. We both wanted to help, but he changed so fast. We didn't even look the same.

After telling them all I knew (which was still nothing) I found an old friend of mine.

"Sup luke," I said behind him, scarring the living daylights out of him.

Luke tried to compose himself like nothing happened, but he failed even worse than he did when he was being scared. "Oh, uh, hey thals. Didn't see you come in,"

"I could tell, the filmed reaction was a bit of a give away," I said, holding up the unrecorded video. Sometimes my best friend wasn't the smartest.

"Wh-what?" He asked, eyes wide.

"Relax, I didn't actually film anything. I stopped by to see what recently happened, and where you were heading too,"

"Um, new villains attacked," Luke said, before lowering his voice and stepping towards me, "you know, there's always room for you. We need you kind of power to help,"

"I told you I can't. Where were you heading, I might help there,"

"The infirmary. The new superhero, riptide, he got beat up,"

"Who was the perp?"



"One of the new villains, calls herself the charmer, she can control people. She controlled me to stop time and watch as Percy kept hurting himself,"

"Well, he's as tough as you and he was crying and shaking,"

"That sounds bad, is there anything I can do?"

The tv answered me as it showed Jason flying around and destroying things. Luke have me a nod towards the tv and I sighed.

"Fine. But they better still have my old costume,"

After changing into my leather jacket, blue shirt, blue mask, and leggings, I flew off towards my brother.

"Where's riptide?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Just wanted to know if he survived,"

"Let's cut the chat short. I have this whole thing where I don't talk to backstabbing betraying brothers who are now out to destroy the world,"

Jason glared at me and flew towards me, but I managed to move aside. He had always been better at flying, but I could come from lightning.

I shot a ray at him punching him we dodged right.

He then kicked my legs and broke my concentration for a moment, before I flew back up.

After a few minutes of fighting, I saw water rising and a superhero on top of it. Luke was right, this kid was tough.

"Jason!" Riptide called out, "this is my fifth, not hers,"

"Well than it's a good thing you showed up,"

Like last time, Jason electrocuted the water and I knew I could either Dave riptide or catch my brother.

And you always protect the citenzens

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