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It was my turn to sit with the oh so very 'precious' riptide. I thought over what had happened, the chance I had and blew.

Percy sat next to me, studying me which was quite creepy. Even for me. "Is there a reason your staring at me or......"

"You had a chance to kill Electricute. Why didn't you take it?"

That took me by surprise, "what do you mean?"

"You could've killed her. She was shaking and there was no other human around, why didn't you kill her?"

"Isn't there a way I can command you to not talk about this?"

"No. Because it doesn't work," He stated rather bluntly.


Percy just shrugged, "I don't think you'll tell. Your different from them, you don't kill. I thought maybe it was a slip up, but you've never killed, you just made them afraid,"

"Your wrong. I'm exactly like them, I'm no different. I'm.....evil. So evil. The evilest of the evil. A matter of fact, they call me the evilicous evildoer of epic evilness,"

He just died of laughter, "what? That is the most unevil thing you could ever say,"

"I could turn you in right now," I tried to sound tough.

"Then go turn me in," he motioned to the door, "or you can stay here with me, and tell em why you think your villain. Because I assure you, the hero you once were you can be again,"

"I don't think you understand what your dealing with," I said, my chest right and my breathing trying to be normal.

"Oh but I think I do," Percy smiled, "I think you are nico di Angelo, the boy who was once the youngest hero at O.L.Y.M.P.U.S. And because of that, I know your still in there. A hero doesn't just turn into a villain,"

"And what about Luke? Didn't he turn?"

That seemed to hit Percy hard, but his look of hurt was over so quick I wasn't sure if it was even there.

"How many people have you killed? None, and because of that you can be a hero. But how many people has Luke hurt? As a hero, or a villain,"

"That doesn't make me a hero,"

"Yeah but rules you out as a villain,"

"I'm not that kid you think i am. I can't just be good, I don't know how,"

"You already made the first move,"


"When you didn't turn me in. Because I know you won't,"

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