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To say that everything hurt was an understatement. I really wanted to say it didn't, and just celebrate the fact I kinda stopped ghost.

But instead of partying in the main O.L.Y.M.P.U.S. building, I was stuck in the hospital. I guess it could be worse, and I wasn't too terribly mad about the fact we were one hospital bed short.

It was all Annabeths idea. There were only two hospital beds for some reason, meaning that the three injured heroes had to share two.

Annabeth suggested that because of gender differences—though I don't think that was the real reason—Thalia should get a bed to herself and that me and Luke would share.

So that's how I woke up cuddling with my crush.

I thought the day wouldn't get any worse, but of course, I was wrong.

Right now, I was sitting on the bed next to Luke and Thalia, looking at Reyna, Grover, hazel, Leo, and Annabeth.

"So," Annabeth started, glancing at the three of us on the bed. "You guys feeling better?"

"Yes!" I nearly screamed, aggravated about just having to sit here. "I want to do something, I want to go somewhere that isn't these four walls,"

"Aww, is little riptide bored?" Leo teased me.

"Don't tease my little water boy," Luke pulled me to his chest, making me blush, "it's not his fault he doesn't know what taking a break means,"


They all just laughed, "so who do you think was the hardest bad guy we've faced so far?"

They all thought for a moment, "I'd say Pyro. He hurt you pretty bad, riptide,"

"I'd say that charmer was worse. We saw what she made you do," Reyna said.

"Yeah, is have to agree with Reyna," Annabeth said.

"I don't know," Grover stepped in, "I'm gonna have to say that ghost hurt you pretty bad,"

"I'm telling you," Thalia added, "my moneys on Jason.

"I'm gonna have to say your about to find out," Ethan appeared in the doorway. "There's ghost, Jason, and charmed. I'm gonna need all hands on deck. That means electrocute, rewind, riptide, you need to go,"

We all nodded as Ethan continued, "Annabeth, Reyna, I need you two as well. Your one of the best we have. People know you as agent Reyna, and you as agent owl. Hazel, Leo, and I will be in coms. Leo, your off for now,"

Another round of nods as Leo walked out of the building, the coms were turned on, and the rest of us left.

Annabeth clung on to me as we used water to go, Luke and Reyna holding on to Thalia.

When we got there, pyro had joined the group. I looked at like and he motioned for me to plan,

"okay people, I know what to do. Electrocute, you go after Jason. Rewind, handle ghost. Reyna, Don't listen to charmer and you'll be fine. Owl, you and me will take pyro,"

"You ready? Fight,"

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