Too Far (Daithi De Wildcat)

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Made as a request from @Lemon-Bear! I hope ye enjoy!

Trigger Warning-Sensitive topics-Suicidal actions

Tyler's POV:

I was pissed, simple as that. I felt like chucking my monitor as I was killed and had to go find my bike AND go back up the mountain, AGAIN! 

"I swear, if any of you fucks kill me..." I hissed into my mic as my friends laughed at my anger. Calm down, you're fine. Just get the bike up the mountain...I was startng to fly up, getting closer. I noticed all of my friends standing on top of the mountain, watching my progress. Suddenly, I heard the tell-tale beeping of a rocket launcher locking onto me.

"No you fucking BITCH!"  

I screamed in rage as the rocket slammed into me in mid-air, killing me instantly and reseting my progress. I glared at the feed.


I slammed my hand on my desk as my friends started dying of laughter. I was beyond mad, I was positively LIVID. 


As soon as I said it I smacked a hand over my mouth, eyes widening. Everyone gasped and I heard a small, almost strangled sound come from David before I heard the chime that he had left the Discord and saw in the feed that he had left the game. I immediately regretted what I had said. Aliyah had JUST broken up with David about a week ago. None of us knew why, we just know she did. Lui had broken up with him about a year ago for more unknown reasons. I knew those had both hit him hard, I had hit a very, VERY low blow. 

"That was mean, even for you Tyler." I heard Evan say, dissapointment coloring his voice. I heard Brian growl low into the mic. "Go fucking apologise to him, right now." I nodded even though I knew they couldn't see and I immediately logged out of the game and Discord, pulling out my phone and scrolling through my contacts. I finally found David's and bit my lip as I pressed the call button, hearing it ring. It rang four times before it rolled to voicemail. I tried again, same thing. I did it again, same result. This time though, I actually left a message. 

"Hey David, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean that, I was just really angry and I didn't think before I spoke, like usual. Please, I just wanna talk." 

After I left my message I tossed my headphones on my desk and turned everything off with a sigh, a feeling of regret sitting in my gut like a cinderblock. I got up and moved towards my living room, the tv calling to me. I plopped down on the couch and turned the tv on, flipping through channels yet not really finding anything interesting. I sighed and finally decided I'd rewatch Pixels for the umpteenth time. I put it in but soon my thoughts were drifting. I thought of David, which was where my thoughts usually turned.

David, with his dark, curly hair that looked so soft it made me want to bury my fingers in it, just to see if it was as soft as it appeared to be. David, with his dark brown eyes that always seemed to sparkle with amusement, as if he found the whole world funny. David, with his rich Irish accent that always had me wanting to listen to more. David, who was perfect in every way, shape, and form. David, who I was hopelessly, irrevocably, madly in love with. And I had been for nearly two years. I shut my eyes tightly and shook my head quickly, trying to dispell those poisonous thoughts from my brain. No one knew about my crush on David, absolutely NO ONE. I'd be screwed if they did. Especially David. He'd never love me back, I knew that. We butted heads too often. We weren't right for each other, but that didn't make me stop wanting him anymore than knowing I'd eventually die made me want to kill myself any faster. I knew he was Bi, if it wasn't obvious by him dating both Aliyah and Lui, but he wouldn't like me. We were friends, just friends. And I knew I had hurt him too many times by now to ever change that.

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