Part 1 | Chapter 1

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Booming bass, half-naked girls, and the sun still burning everyone's fucking ass and here they are still dancing like a few baboons on a summer day

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Booming bass, half-naked girls, and the sun still burning everyone's fucking ass and here they are still dancing like a few baboons on a summer day. It's about as good as it sounds. Sweaty bodies, sloppy kissing, and whatever disgusting things I've seen for almost four years of being here shouldn't bother me anymore but it does. Father always said parties aren't good if people aren't fully dressed well- here I am.

I take another shot of vodka knowing that it wouldn't hurt any more than the rest. It would take me another bottle just to deal with this shit for another night. If only I had a choice to live somewhere else instead of a damned frat house where there's a party almost every night. I mean come on, it's the same damn thing.

"Matteo! What's up my man?" Axel, one of the few decent people around here pats my back and I scoff at him, leaning back into the creaky stool while he sat down in another.

"Trying to get drunk before this place gets turned inside out, " I joked and he chuckles.

"I know, I tried telling them to cancel tonight but Andrew said the 'hot girls' are coming in tonight."

"As if not every girl he sees is hot." I take another shot.

Andrew is probably one of the most deluded people I know. It's such a shame he rules this place. That needy man with his hippie friends and questionable girls is a disgrace to society. And that damned ginger hair doesn't help either.

"Exactly." Axel leans into the bar with his arms crossed, watching the people outside get a little raunchy by the second.

"Speaking of," I cleared my throat. "How's the girl?"

He laughs at my question but at the way he rubbed the back of his neck, I'm sure that I caught him off guard.

The poor man never had to deal with a stubborn crush until now, and he comes to the one guy who could help him: me. It's sad really. He's in senior year and still, he manages to fuck up an introduction to this girl he's been talking about. Never met her but I'll be damned if she isn't a nerdy girl with a freaky blonde hair and an obsession with DC comics; exactly his type.

"Yeah, I did what you said." He mumbled, "I- I invited her tonight."

"Hey! There we go, some progress my man." I grabbed his shoulder trying to assure him and he wobbled a bit. Sometimes I forget how fragile these people can be.

It'd be easier for me to fuck around with Axel as much as I do with everyone but unlike everyone, he actually is decent. I'd give him a pass for that. Plus, he isn't a bad looking guy himself, definitely not sabotaging my reputation in any way but also not destroying his own.

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks again, Matteo." He said and I smirk at him knowing that tonight will probably be the night he'd finally get off of his coward mind and into the game.

The man needs to get laid.

"Will I finally meet her tonight?" I asked, taking another shot.

'Sure, if you're not hooking up with Jocelyn again, " I choked on my drink and dropped the shot glass beyond the counter while I hear him disguising his laughter in a cough.


"Don't ever mention her." I gritted my teeth, pointing straight to his face. Just trying to get my point across.

"Hey man, it's not my fault that you end up hooking up with her even though you hate her and the party." He raised his arms in defense and I fight the urge to slam his head into the bar.

He's right.

"Hey, it's not my fault that fucking someone provides a distraction from the screaming inside the other rooms." I spat back, defending myself.

"You're right, but still." He shrugged, tipping up the glass I didn't even notice I tipped over.

He stands up, patting my shoulder before saying, "No stealing my lady alright?" He points a finger at me that I slowly put down while threatening him with a scoff.

"Why in the fuck would I want to steal a nerd?" I said and he smirks just the same.

"Cause you steal girls anyway." He steps back away from me, shadowing a mic drop and I try my best not to throw the bottle of vodka at him.

"Well, can you at least give me her name just in case you fuck it up and leave her hanging?"

"What so you can rub it in my face that I'm a coward?" He mocked my soft Italian accent and that's when he really pushed the strings. Man, this dude is really testing me right now.

"No," I clenched my jaw, "just tell me a name so I wouldn't sound like an idiot when I back you up."

His eyes widened at my exaggerated remark knowing that he had just embarrassed himself. I sure do hope he is.

"Oh, " he freezes and I crossed my arms impatiently. "Well...uh.." He stammered and I roll my jaw at his adherence.

"Use words, dumbass."

I look at him waiting for his next words and as he looked around in contemplation, I tap my foot impatiently.

"Her name's Evageline Collins. She's in Junior." He finally said before turning away and attending to the calls he got from outside.

I turn back to the bar and grabbed the bottle instead of pouring myself a drink.

"At least she's got a beautiful name," I muttered to myself. "I sure do fuckin hope she doesn't disappoint." I continued as I downed half the bottle.

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