Part 2 | Chapter 7

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"Will you please sit down and think straight for a minute? It's Monday for Pete's sake

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"Will you please sit down and think straight for a minute? It's Monday for Pete's sake." Cade complained while he lies on my bed with his head hanging by the edge.

As I'm pacing back and forth, I chew on my cheek and feared that I might draw out some blood pretty soon. My knees are trembling and my mind is all over the place.

"Dude, let her. She's coping." Henry tries to defend me.

"Henry, dude, just admit it, you want to bone her—" Danica teased and I knew I've had enough.

"Can you guys shut up for one second?! My mom and dad just texted me to come home this weekend and they didn't seem too keen on me canceling—again." I snapped, clutching my phone for dear life.

The three looked at me with shock and Danica almost dropping her tub of ice cream and I just groaned, going back to pacing.

"Just cancel. Just say you've got a big project or something." Cade tried to reason but it only made my frustration grow like a weed.

"Cade, for the last time, my parents aren't the once to take chances. If I say that, they'll call or come here themselves and ask about it."

Just the way it has been for the past couple of hours until the sun was beginning to set, I still found no other way out than to face it. My skin crawls and my bones rattle just at the thought of going back home and not being able to keep the results a secret. I could already see the images of them.

"Girl, there is absolutely no way you're going home like this. You'd just blurt out and cause yourself more harm than good." Danica warned with a mouthful of ice cream.

My heart sinks the moment she said it because one, she is right and two, there is no other way I could think of. My parents shouldn't be underestimated in any way. They would know when I'm lying or when I'm not and that's not just the scary part — it's everything else they could do.

"Danica's right, " Henry nodded, "you won't be in the right state of mind."

The moment his warnings came, it was already too late.

I look at them regretfully with tears brimming my eyes and my lips swollen form biting and chewing in them impulsively. My mind is still a little hazy but Insee no other way than going the hard way. If I hold it off for too long then they'll find out anyway and it'll be so much worse than it already is. I can't risk that.

"I'm going."

Protests immediately erupted as soon as I've said it, Henry being pushed up to stand and Cade shooting up faster than a bullet.

"Bitch didn't you hear what I said?" Danica frowned.

"I did but let's be honest here. The more I keep it aside then the bigger it gets. I have a higher chance of dying then." I explained to them but they're wary eyes let me know that they don't agree with my decision in any way. I don't blame them.

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