Part 2 | Chapter 9

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When I arrived at the mall I was calmer than before

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When I arrived at the mall I was calmer than before. Despite what had happened I managed to keep a decent face and a stable mind. I tried to hide the bruise with some makeup and my glasses but I knew it could only go so far since I've done it before. My only chance of not being noticed is hiding as much as I could from Cade. Try my hardest not to look suspicious and weak for I know that Cade will definitely react unashamedly. He would have me by my hand to the dorms for all I care.

The mall itself doesn't really leave me a lone wolf, perhaps this wasn't the right place. Speaking on the eyes that darted my way as I hung my head or the whispered as I passed a family. So much for not being suspicious.

I believe I told Cade to wait for me at a coffee shop and my only hope is that he followed my words and didn't bring a companion. I've had enough shares of look in my parade of shame. My parents, however, they never left my mind; how would they when they almost took the life they gave me.

"Evie?" I hear Cade's worried tone as I entered the busy cafe and there he was, stood by a table, looking at me in wonder as I turned. Then, his eyes narrowed then shock overtook it. My heart raced as his feet did on their way to me.

"Jesus Christ— your face!" He quietly exclaimed as he lifted his hand to it but I stopped him, looking around as to not arouse suspicion.

I thought my shades hid it well enough.

"It's nothing." I simply said, leading us to a table and sitting down, aiding my aching hip from the fall— but he didn't need to know about that.

"Nothing? You have the map of America on your black and purple. How is that nothing?" His anger only rose as expected because who would not be angry to see their friend all of a sudden beaten up to a pulp.

I sighed in justification and gathered my thoughts before talking.

"Clearly the plan didn't go as planned but that's why I called you." I leaned in, whispering closer as his fingers anxiously tapped on the wooden table.

"Clearly? What do you want me to do? lie?" He frowned.

"You know what they'll do if they know—"

"Yeah, keep you safe and protect you from the things your parents can do." He points to my injuries and I close my eyes, struggling to stay sane by the one being. I know he only means well but speaking to me like I don't know the type of danger I'm in doesn't help it either.

"Just for now Cade. I'll tell them eventually but the fewer people know the easier it is for me to collect myself and gather strength to kinda defend myself."

"So why me then? Why not Danica or something?" He queried and I nodded in understanding.

"Because I thought you'd be calmer and more rational. Just prove to me you are because I really don't want to fight back. I'm done for the day." I admitted to him carefully.

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