Part 2 | Chapter 4

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I stared at him

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I stared at him. Just staring in absolute shock. His irises moved like green leaves of a tree as they studied mine. Probably trying to see if my soul had left my body; he wouldn't be wrong though. His grip on my arm loosened and it should've been the sign for me to go, but my feet were stuck as if dipped in cement. His eyes finally shifted in the probable realization of what he said-too late now.

"I...uh..." I tried talking, hoping that I could take advantage of this breakthrough but I'm failing miserably.

He sighs and turns, running his hand through his hair before sitting on the floor I used to. Looking back up to me, he pats the space beside him before saying,

"I don't have the whole day, sit."

I gulped at his words wondering if I should believe it or not. To run away or not to. He's uncharacteristically nice right now and I am not quite sure how I should be reacting. I was hoping that my logical mind would have kicked in by now but it failed.

"Hey, missy, I know you think I'm bullshitting you, I'm not. Now sit and talk," He urged, "it's better than being alone. Trust me."

Those were the words that scared me. Trust me. What am I really putting my that into?

Three weeks without Matteo and my world was joyous and prosperous. He comes back again and things fall apart.

Perhaps I shouldn't be jotting all my bad luck at this guy but how can I not when the timing is just prophetic. But his offer is enticing. For once in our brief acknowledgment of each other, his words actually rang true and I couldn't help but be tempted by it.

Breathing out, I take that seat with all my morals thrown out the window.

I've got nothing to lose anyway, I'm dead once my parents find out that I've lost one tremendous advantage in med school.

"So, " he sighs, "what's all this about?" He picked up my book, flipping through it's worn out pages as if expecting something to jump out of it.

I frowned and snatched it out of his grasp making him chuckle.

"You seem protective over that."

"Yeah, well it's the only good thing about my life right now," I mumbled and even I could hear he crying in my voice.

His silence catches my attention so I look to him and found his eyes already fixed on mine.

"What did someone die?" He whispered.

"No, I-" my reluctance gets the best of me again and I take one last look at him. From his scruffy clothes to his clean green eyes. I'm analyzing him as I do with everyone so I could potentially avoid any type of hurt. What's the use in that when I'm not gonna be here for long?

Maybe I can finally hurt as much as I can handle.

"I failed to get into a shadow program in Cambridge and...Mayo Clinic." My voice fell throughout the sentence that I had to look away. I realized it probably doesn't mean much to him as it does to me.

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