Part 2 | Chapter 14

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I messed up, yes, I know I did and it has only been a day but I can't take another hour of her avoiding me

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I messed up, yes, I know I did and it has only been a day but I can't take another hour of her avoiding me. She couldn't even look me in the eye for crying out loud.

I spent the day trying to catch her attention in every possible way I could think of. From disrespecting the teachers or starting a random fight just so she'd say something. Instead, she stares then walks away like she never knew me. It was one stupid thing for fucks sake but it's driving me insane. Even more so when I saw her disappear with that Henry guy down to rehearsals. That guy walked by me and smirked like he knew what he was doing and I swear, I have never wanted to punch a guy more in my life.

I kept on repeating that thing she said about labels and strings. I kept on repeating it just to assure myself that I wanted that. The more I repeat, the more I realize it's not exactly what I wanted.

So now, I'm ending the avoidance.

Walking through the growing blizzard, I ran up to her dorm, hoping she'll be there. I wipe my shoulders clean of the cold white flakes and huffed in a frown. The halls were empty late at night and I figured that since she's tired, she won't have the energy to argue.

I sighed at my stupid mind before walking up the stairs, rehearsing the lines I'm about to say. Despite that, all I could think about was the look on her face the moment she walked through that door.

Her eyes looked right through me and to the girl next to me. I can still hear her heartbreak into a million pieces by the way her mouth fell open. My mind spiraled when no one even tried to get her out— perhaps Cade did but that punk couldn't even do much even if he tried to.

When she walked in, I was half-sober, high, and stressed out. With everything going on in the business, I had nowhere to go and ko one to talk to. But my lucky ass found Jocelyn in the living room with baring shorts and a crop top that practically showed everything. A man can only hold himself off.

But I'm not looking for any excuses here.

When I reached Evie's floor, it is only my further luck to find Danica walking out. She finds me too, her eyes widening as she held a bottle of water tighter. I tried to smile but the sound of crackling got me thinking that she isn't too happy about me either. She blinked twice, then her mouth twitched, then she points at me, taking cautious steps before saying, "you..." She sounded vicious and I gulped.

"I'm not looking for trouble alright, Injust want—"

My cheek stung with poison while I feel t warm-up, the moment her wide, well-accessorized hand made contact with it. I rubbed my cheek as if it will change what happened and looked at her in shock. We stare at each other for a while, she looked at me like she could kill me and I just stared at her blankly.

I find her lifting another hand but this time, I stopped it before it could destroy the other side of my face.

I grab it and pushed it down with much aggression before scowling and said, "What the hell was that for?"

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