Part 1 | Chapter 6

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No, no, no, no

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No, no, no, no. I'm gonna be late.

Not caring that Danica never came home last night or that my room is a mess because I struggled to get me some breakfast, I rush to the door with my bag and keys, running for my life.

Not once have I ever been late and now I'm leaving five minutes late than I usually do because my phone died on me last night. I was so tired that I didn't even get a chance to charge it. So now, I had to charge it to send my good morning texts to my parents while running around like a crazed girl. Ugh!

I reach my car and immediately drove off into the campus and praying that the traffic isn't as bad as it usually is because- it's Cali.

Glancing at myself through the shade mirror and there's only one word I could use to describe myself: a mess. My dark hair is messed up in a ponytail because I forgot to comb it one last time. My shirt is barely holding on for dear life so I need to adjust it and then I didn't even get any makeup on my face. This is the worst thing that could ever happen to me. Why? Because I also realize that today isn't Bio- it's philosophy.

Because of my abundance of distraction last night I had my subjects mixed up so I'm paying the price by having absolutely no prep. I knew it was a bad idea to go to that party. Stupid me was just too nice. It didn't help that I now feel absolutely disgusted with myself because half the things I did last night were not me.

I would never have worn that dress, I would never have gone to a frat house, I would never have agreed to play a kissing game and I definitely would not have climbed into a strangers car.

That damn stranger. What did he say his name was? Oh yeah, Matteo. What a jerk.

Thanking the gods that I found a good parking space and arrived without traffic, I grab my bag, attempted to fix my hair and shirt then jumped out. I was heaving and stressing out like I usually do because when I mess up.

Damn that stupid party. I never should have gone. The guy who invited me turned out to be a bigger jerk than I would've ever imagined and the girls were more than judgemental high schoolers. They were worse. Oh and Danica? I don't know what went through her mind when she left with Liam, leaving me alone. Ugh. I'll deal with her later.

I ran through the open halls, passed the freshmen on their first days and past the many professors. I was running for my life that my bag was barely holding on to my shoulder but I didn't care. I just need to get there. Sure I'm tired, frustrated, and stressed out but that's part of the fun right? I can barely breathe but I surely would stop breathing once I'm late.

I arrived at the philosophy block and was completely disappointed.

"Are you kidding me right now!" I groaned, throwing my head back into a wall when I find that...the class is still lined up outside.

This. Cannot. Be. Happening.

I banged my head on the rough wall as I lined up like the rest, catching my breath like a dog.

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