Part 1 | Chapter 17

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By sunrise, I was already awake

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By sunrise, I was already awake. Not that I could really sleep. I was too busy pondering about that damned idea on paper. Then when I got tired of that, I was then busy spacing out on the thoughts of just how I have so many people waiting upon me to be successful.

Knowing I won't be able to escape the myriad of thoughts, I decided to walk the dogs, a little jog here and there too to accommodate my racing mind. For that few minutes, I was alone, heaving out my problems. Having 3 cute dogs with tou really does pose as a great company when you need it. If only they were allowed at UCLA.

"Mom, Dad! I'm home." I called out, unleashing the dogs back in the foyer after my morning run.

"Well, get dressed then honey, we've got some neighbors coming by. We want you to meet them, " mom hollered from upstairs and I sigh.

"Yes mom, " I said as I walked up the wooden stairs up to my room where I could feel less patronized.

Walking in, I still do get hints of memories from when I lived here. All my childhood photos, scrapbooks, teddy bears are still here like I've never left. Sometimes I hate it because it reminds me of where I used to be in life; sometimes I love it because it's a good reminder of why I'm here.

Nostalgia is a killer sometimes.

After showering and preparing for the day I decided to experiment with some vanity. Putting a little bit more makeup than I used to. Perhaps to feel a little better with me for once. Forgetting all my worries and hiding them behind a layer of color could be beneficial in a way or two.

As I was putting on the final layer of my mascara, I look over to my phone and found it vibrating with Jackson's name written on the screen. I puckered my brows as I picked it up to answer, not expecting anything from him.

The band hasn't been that successful lately with gigs so I wonder what this may be about.

"Hey, Jackson, what's up?" I asked.

"Hey, I just wanted to call, asking if you're free this Thursday. It's for business, " His bubbly voice came though and I frowned, squeezing the phone in my shoulder while I fumbled to find my diary.

"Uh, yeah, yeah I am free after school," I said, reading my weekly schedule. Yes, I plan every Friday night before I go to sleep. I like mild organization.

"Coolio, I need you to come in for an audition—"

"Evangeline! Come down hun, guests are here, " Mom hollered from downstairs, her piercing voice numbing my brain for a bit and I was tempted to throw my phone.

"Be right there mom!" I called back, covering the microphone for Jackson's well-being.

"Sorry about that," I said, "Can you just text me the details later? I've got to go." I said with disappointment lacing my voice.

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