Part 3 | Chapter 3

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"Hey, Evie," Henry's voice takes me away from packing after a long rehearsal

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"Hey, Evie," Henry's voice takes me away from packing after a long rehearsal. I find him walking towards me with barely a smile.

"Hey," I greeted him, pushing my hair back out of my face.

"Yeah, heard about you and Matteo." He said, helping me pack up the rest of my things. I furrowed my brows at his starter, wondering where his monotone curiosity came from. I disregarded it and thanked him for handing me my things.

"Yeah, it's great. It's just been a few days you know." I gushed, not intending to sound awkward but his rather aggressive approach already did that anyway. We walked out of the rehearsal room and my mind wandered.

I know he might not be the biggest fan and I still remember what he told me about the way he felt (despite me intentionally ignoring it). However, I feel like he could be more than happy as my friend that I found contentment with someone. At least I hope he does, yet the way he scowled at the mention of Matteo lets me know he's got some bad blood about it.

"Are...are you sure about him though?" He asked cautiously making me halt in my steps. Feeling like a needle had been driven through my skin I stare at him who stood before me with his hands in his pockets like what he said wasn't just some sleazy comment to make me doubt Matteo's intentions for what seems like his own selfish reasoning.

"I'm sorry," I said politely. "How'd you mean?"

"I mean you know it." He replies, gesturing to me with half a smile. "He isn't someone who would suddenly change overnight and become the guy you want him to be."

I have to laugh at his audacity and say, "that's a very firm judge of character don't you think?"

"Yeah, it is but— but you know what he's like. You loathed him and for a good reason. I mean hadn't he hurt you the first time? You can't tell me you just forgave him for that."

"Of course I haven't," I defended, feeling like I've just been attacked but I tried to be patient. "But there's a lot more than what just happened. We didn't even know what we were then. He made a mistake and I did the same. I didn't forgive him by I chose to move on because it's the right thing to do. I don't understand why you're suddenly interested in this." I frowned, beginning to walk away but he blocks me, standing there with a look of sympathy that I don't even believe in anymore.

"Look, look, Evie, I'm sorry ok? I care about you and I want to just make sure you know what you're doing," I shook my head at his attempt to redeeming himself. He tries to make a point but only ends up digging himself a deeper hole— now he's judging my decisions? I don't even have a word to say to him.

Here I was thinking that he was better than anyone else here just because he was peppy and musical like me. His charming ideology now just seemed to be a curtain to his bitter personality and I'm disappointed by it.

I cross my arms in frustration and betrayal.

"I don't know what you're trying to achieve here Henry. I don't know if it's because you're hurt or if it's because you're just too narrow-minded to understand the idea of second chances— this isn't the kind of concern you want to give people. This is called selfishness."

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