Part 2 | Chapter 6

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That innocent looking son of a bitch

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That innocent looking son of a bitch. I was that close to literally having a taste and there he was, ready to break the fun just as it had begun.

I admit, at first, I did not give two damns about what happened in that library but after days past, my mind went haywire as if it was rebooted into thinking about only one thing. All I had in mind was the question: what would it feel like? It haunted me like an image of her at that exact moment. Then, when I finally had my chance to get an answer this smiley fucker swipes in and decided to call her princes.

Disgusting prick.

"Hey, you guys are all here!" Danica's less than appealing voice snatches me from my poisoned mind and I watched as she, Jocelyn, and Cade walked up to us. All of them went to Evangeline first as they should, check-up on her and asking how she's been.

Meanwhile, here I am, glaring at the man with a curly head of hair and thinking of the many ways I could have my pay-back.

I'm not the one to be so keen on kissing someone but damn, what a temptation to have. Or maybe I'm just a perverted asshole. Either way, both sides still want answers but now I'm just left all worked up about it because well, it was rudely interrupted.

After having their greetings and buying their snacks, we were finally ready to see the film. Everyone was busy talking to each other while they took their seats except for me and someone. Fortunately, she gets to sit near the aisle next to me.

"You've gone quiet," She whispered while taking her seat, hugging a new box of popcorn to her lap. I take a deep breath to relieve myself but it does very little. I needed something stronger, maybe a taste would've been exactly what I needed but of course, that will be refused to me.

"I was nice to you once, I'm not obligated to do it again, "

"No one is obligated to be nice to anyone. Most people are just decent if you must know, " she started with confidence that I raised my brow.

Well, well, look who's gaining confidence in talking to me. Should I shatter it? Not tonight.

I looked around for a moment, making sure no one was paying attention because everyone knows how that would go with a big group. Gossip, teasing all the bad stuff no one would want. However, seeing that Jocelyn is sat between Cade and Danica and Henry is on the other end, I was quite sure no one was paying attention— especially with the dimmed lights.

"Should I be offended that you don't consider me decent?"

"I rather you take it as a compliment since, from what I heard you say, you've heard it all." She shrugged, taking a handful of popcorn.

"What the hell am I supposed to make of that?"

"Take it as you will." She shrugged and I stared at her.

Her dark brown eyes staring back at me. I noticed the way her hair folded over her shoulder and into the hood behind. The way her lashes cast a shadow on her cheeks even just with the screen illuminating it. Her lips smiling back at me and the way her dimples indents or the beauty mark under her nose.

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