Part 1 | Chapter 15

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"How's the salad?" Danica cautiously asked as I dip my fork into the leaves like it's some kind of spear

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"How's the salad?" Danica cautiously asked as I dip my fork into the leaves like it's some kind of spear. Slowly and miserably.

"Evie, seriously, just talk to us or something." Cade shakes me by my shoulders and I just hum a response.

Ever since last night, I haven't really had the energy to do anything. Biology class wasn't any fun when it usually is and I didn't even send my usual morning messages. My routine definitely derailed the moment I slipped into those dumb monsters inc pajamas last night. Also, with the horrid conversation that I had with my mother and that traumatizing confrontation I had with a certain someone, I'm sure my routine is the least of my worries.

When Danica walked in on me muttering to my dead phone at dawn, she knew that something was wrong and decided to accompany me at break today. I won't say I'm disappointed but I also wouldn't say I'm happy. The last thing I want is for others to feed off of my own self-loathing. I'm sure they've got better things to take care of than a sad lump of nerdy romanticism and melodic mind frames.

"Evie, you're literally killing all of us, "

"Yeah, girl, you've got a new friend here, like, he'd listen, " Danica sips on her juice, "I know I would."

I sighed at her encouragement, sliding the plastic container of a garden salad to the side. It's barely eaten but the leaves are definitely a goner; after all the poking I did, there is no way they are good for eating.

"There's nothing to speak about, " I lied with a fake smile and Danica rolls her eyes in frustration.

"So you walk out that party with tears in your eyes because of something Matteo did and now you there's nothing to speak about?" Cade jokingly slams the table, "I call bull, "

"I second thee, " Danica raised a finger.

"Hey, what do you do for her again?" Cade snaps and my interest is suddenly piqued.

"Oh, come on Cadey boy, are you seriously doing this now?"

"Well, if you had been a nice friend then maybe it would've been easier for her to open up don't you think?"

"Uh, let me remind you, you've known her for approximately four days. I've known her for two years." Danica hits back with venom on.

Ay Dios Mio.

I lay my head upon my hand trying my best to prevent it from exploding while listening to this nonsense.

"Clearly you've been nothing but useless to her in all those time, " Cade retorted, "Bet I've done more in those four days, "

"Alright, that's it!" I hear Danica engage and my eyes widened.

Well, clearly I'm still dealing with a few kids on this level of adulthood.

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