Part 3 | Chapter 2

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"So where are you taking me, Mr

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"So where are you taking me, Mr. Cadwell?" I queried as he drove into the slippery highway just as the snow stopped. He turns to me with a smirk before turning back to the cleared road.

"My place," he said vaguely and I cross my arms.

"The frat house?" I groaned, "not a big fan of that place if you should know."

He laughs and placed a hand on my thigh before saying, "not the frat house." He smiled. "Did I tell you about my dad having a shit— a load of money?" He catches himself and I scoff.

"Yeah and?"

"Well, I remembered he still has a property in Calabasas we can drive to. I'm sure that's a better place to go to than your form or my frat house." He explained and the more he did the more questions arose from the back of my mind. Yes, we had a deep conversation and we do have it now and then but it still doesn't answer many of my questions; sometimes I'm just too petrified to ask them. 

"Ok, now I'm curious about what this place looks like." I chuckled watching a few other cars drive into the night. "Also, we have to find other times to hang out instead of dawn or midnight."

"But those are the best times," he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers and placing his cold lips upon it. "When everyone's asleep, no one can utter another word but you and I."

• • •

"There shouldn't be any surprises you know. I mean it's a house." I laughed, tripping over my foot, trusting that Matteo won't let me stumble and fall while he covers my eyes.

"Oh believe me this house isn't some reasonable house." He chuckled and I felt the vibrations from his chest rumbling on my back. I try to ignore the chills of the night bit the anxiousness doesn't help that.

"Ok, ready?" I felt his breath on my ear sending chills down my body as the warmth spread. I nodded with a giggle and he takes off his hands.

" god," I uttered slowly with my mouth agape.

The place looked humungous with concrete walls taller than the floor of a building. It was well lit, the sound of flowing mountains echoing through more of plain land. Upon the horizon was the city down below with blinking lights and even that was hard to see through all the intricate designs and architecture. I saw right through the glass windows and opened doors. Snow blanketed the ledges and the roof but that just made the contours stand out like a home in a magazine. I looked at it in awe when I found the beveling door opening for us; inviting us in.

"Oh, no way you have this," I chuckled, turning around to Matteo in disbelief.

"Yes, way." He chuckled, keeping his hands in his pockets whilst he led the way into the house. Even I was worried about putting my feet on the pavement. Everything looked too sophisticated for people like me.

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