Part 1 | Chapter 14

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"Evie?" Cade said walking up to me while I hastily wiped my tears away

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"Evie?" Cade said walking up to me while I hastily wiped my tears away.

"Thanks for being my wingman by the way, " I mumbled walking past him and to the stairs, eager to get out of that place.

I didn't care if my payment would be cut off for leaving early, I just need to get out of here.

"What happened are you ok?" I hear Cade following me but the only thing I felt is my breathing quickening knowing that the place started feeling a little smaller.

"No, clearly I'm not, " I admitted to him as I reached the yard where the air was a little more manageable but still not enough to calm me down.

I felt trapped in that room and my anger didn't help. All I could hear at that moment was my mother telling me that anger was a devil's microphone. Whenever I would feel the urge to talk back or say something she would always call me out and tell me that being angry would get me nowhere; she wasn't wrong. I've always avoided being angry but Matteo just pushed and pushed.

It might be good that I finally stood up to him after days of hearing nonsense but perhaps my too-good of a heart wouldn't do so much for me. I'd still feel guilty.

"Hey, I'm sorry I left, I went to get some food and when I got back you were gone," Cade explained as I reached my car, "did he do something to you?" His voice falters and my stomach churns.

I can see the tears brimming my eyes as I looked at him, trembling like a scared animal. The look on his face made me want to cry even more. I can see the pity and concern in them and I felt weak because of it. I'm sure he meant no harm but- I hate being pitied.

"It's Matteo right?" I choked, " I haven't known him for long but I've seen enough of him to realize how heartless and cruel he is. You said it yourself. Call me weak or whatever, but I'm not gonna tolerate him. Neither should anyone. It's probably why he feels too comfortable being that way- because the world lets him be."

I slam the door closed and recklessly pulled my seatbelt in, watching as Cade's eyes fell to the ground. I can tell he felt some responsibility for what happened and I didn't mean for him to feel that way. He means well, better than anyone at this party, but right now I really just want to be alone. I'm not about to be seen by dozens of people crying my eyes out when the one person I swore to not fear has already seen enough of it.

"I get that you're mad, but please be careful driving-do you want me to come with you?" He offered and I sniffled, shaking my head.

"No, just enjoy the party," I said, "I'll call you if I need anything."

I rolled my windows up as he mouthed a small apology to me and I nodded. None of this is his fault, obviously, so why would I be mad at him?

As I made a turn, looking back on my rearview mirror I watched Cade walk back to the party, head hanging low. Then behind him was Matteo.

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