Part 3 | Chapter 1

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I watch her, expertly writing on her leather-bound book while I held my phone as if I was doing something with it but I haven't turned it on since I arrived

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I watch her, expertly writing on her leather-bound book while I held my phone as if I was doing something with it but I haven't turned it on since I arrived. I just watch her praying she wouldn't notice me. She's more interesting than anything that can happen on my phone.

Her legs wrapped over mine as she lies on her bed and me leaning against the wall. Just a typically Sunday for us now.  It's only been a week but it feels like I've been with the girl I love for the rest of my life— but she doesn't know that.

"Quit it." She lightly kicked and I laugh.


"You've been staring at me." She pouted, closing her book and setting it down next to her. I eyed it for a second, curious about what might be in it. When she noticed, she grabs it again and hugs it, protecting it from me.

"Fine, I'll stop staring if..." I take her feet off and climbed on top of her, crawling up to her lips, "if you let me see what's in here." I tapped the leather and she bites her lip in a giggle.

She's cuter with her tiny braids and my shirt.

"That is forbidden Mr. Cadwell," she teased trying to wriggle away from my body but I pin her down and she giggles loudly making me smile.

"Humanity started when someone did something forbidden."

"And your point is?" She sassed and I gasped making her burst out in laughter. I felt her thigh brush up my...manhood and I gulped. If only she knew how hard this is for me to keep my pun intended.

"My point is I'm willing to do something forbidden." I dug my fingers into her hips and she squeals in her ticklish self. She loosens her grip on the book enough that I was able to snatch it away with no problem. She gasps loudly as I jumped up, turning around so she doesn't have fast access to the book.

Within a few seconds, I hear a growl behind me then felt one freakishly strong Evie wrap her whole body around me like a koala trying to get back her book. I laughed and pretended like she wasn't there even though she was screaming at the top of her lungs, laughing too. When she managed to graze the pages I reached the part where her ribbon was and there I found a beautiful sketch.

I halt and even she stopped. Her head peeked beside mine looking at her work the same way I did. It was me. She sketched me when I thought she wasn't looking.

"You sneaky girl," I murmured feeling my heart flutter at the small gesture that I usually wouldn't care about. But this was her and everything she does, I care about.

She let's go of me and I turned around when she was stood up on her bed. The only time she will ever be taller than me is now. I studied her, painting her in my mind like the way she drew me. Her cheeks were red as she wrapped both her arms around my neck. The smell of her perfume filled my lungs and her lips never looked so tempting right about now.

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