Part 3 | Chapter 5

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"Morning beautiful," is what I said when I felt her shift between the sheets

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"Morning beautiful," is what I said when I felt her shift between the sheets. Her bare legs tangling with mine. She moans groggily and I kiss the top of her head as if to remind her where we are.

Her sun-flooded eyes fluttered and for a second I watched as her dimples made their appearance first time today. Though now when I see them, I'm reminded of what I did to her last night. A sinful ecstasy as the smart once would call it.

"Morning," she groaned, nuzzling against the crook of my neck as though she didn't want to move any further. I chuckle too, trying to forget the fact that I still had one more thing to do; I just never had the proper courage to do it.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, you?"

"Amazing," I said, reminiscing about her hands roaming my body while I roamed hers.

"What time is it?" She moved away and turned to the alarm clock. The disappointing loss of her touch sends me back to reality and I try to pull her in. She laughs but it was followed by an immediate gasp.

"Oh my God, I'm gonna be so late." She turned to me in shock, "you too!"

She pulls the sheets off of the bed, forgetting I was just as bare as she was but I guess she merely cared for it too. She runs to the bathroom and soon after I heard the water running.

"And just like that I lost her again," I remarked sarcastically, hoping that she didn't hear.

"Not coming in today. I don't have philosophy anyway." I said through the door and she yells an ok.

I shook my head and ruffled my hair as I scoff at the way my girlfriend doesn't seem to be fazed by the way I did things last night. Not even a limp. Usually, I'd be upset about that but frankly, seeing her up and about after that never made me want to do it even more. Over and over.

Excusing my perverted mind, I got up and put some pants on before heading downstairs leaving Evie to get ready. I know how fuzzy she gets about her morning routine; I don't want to be there when she starts getting fuzzy about being late. I head to the kitchen and the smell of morning coffee awakens me. Seems like the staff already did half the things I would usually do.

I grabbed a cup and filled it and another one for Evie even if it was imminent that she might just leave and head out anyway because, well, she's late — not.

"Mr. Cadwell, you've got a guest in the office," I almost jump at one of the staff's sudden appearance.

I absorb the information and immediately frowned. Who in the name of gods want to see me at seven am and how did they know I was here? I've never lived here nor was listed as any of my addresses. I tried to squeeze my brain for any information but nothing so I settled down my cup and asked, "who is it?"

"It's your brother sir,"

My eyes widened and it felt like someone had just punched a hole through my stomach. I saw myself throwing the cup of scorching liquid but decided against it when I reminded myself that Evie was just upstairs.

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