Part 1 | Chapter 11

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I feel numb

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I feel numb. To say I'm stunned is an understatement. Just watching him converse with Jackson while Jocelyn seemed to not be able to get her hands off of him makes me sick; not just because of the sight, but because of the thought.

I truly believed that I could escape him for a day, just once. But, apparently once someone steps into your life, they are always around.

"If I run away from girls then I guess you're my soulmate, " I hear Cade remark. I turn to him wide-eyed.

"Excuse me?" I said and he runs his hand through his messy hair with a chuckle.

"It means, you run away from guys. Matteo specifically." He clarified and I playfully push his chest. He fakes a hurt reaction and I hugged my binder.

"I don't run away from guys, " I argued.

I don't. Guys aren't monsters to hide away from - not most of them anyway. Besides, why would I be the one running away from boys when I'm the one searching for my knight and shining armor?

"Well, this shouldn't be a problem then, " I hear him say with a mischievous grin.

Before I could respond, he grabs my shoulders then pushes me into the room. My feet trying their hardest to halt the action but the concrete floors were not my friend.

"That's for teasing me about a girl, " he said through the glass door. "Oh and I'll wait for you by the entrance. Don't care how long, I just want to know how this shit goes!" He yelled as I watched him walk away in such a victorious stride.

My cheeks warmed up at the quick succession of things. All I know is I was stood beyond that glass door with Cade then suddenly, I'm in here without my consent.

How dare he?!?

"Oh, hey Evie! We've been waiting for you." I hear Jackson's sonorous voice reverberate from behind me and I shut my eyes in disappointment.

Great. Guess I'll have to deal with Cade later.

I take a deep breath to try and prepare myself for whatever it is that's about to transpire before breathing out.

I turn and there exactly, I find a joyous Jackson, a scowling Jocelyn, and a blank-faced Matteo. All their eyes are on me of course and I feel like a kid that's just been caught in a crime.
My head goes void of any happy emotion or excitement. Now it's just filled with all the interaction he and I had and even if it's not so much, it still made such an impact to me.

"Jackson, " I greeted, faking a smile as I walked towards them. I'm trying my hardest not to show any sign of fear and intimidation but it's kinda hard when he's right there.

"Well, well, so the girl who doesn't party and date does music. Not a surprise." I hear the adenoidal voice of Jocelyn and I look at her; we faked a smile to each other and she rolls her eyes.

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