Part 1 | Chapter 4

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I stare at him and got taken aback by the glinting metals on his face

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I stare at him and got taken aback by the glinting metals on his face. Two on the nose and one above his left brow. Besides the shiny leather jacket that he wore, that's really all I can see from him. The lights in this room make it hard to see him but I didn't care.

The way he spoke to me was enough to tell me much about him. His tone and sarcasm are enough for me to boil over in anger.

What makes it worse is Axel not doing anything.

"I..." I began but couldn't continue.

He's right. Sure, I'm 21 but never kissed a boy. Nothing's wrong with that but I won't tell him that.

Everyone muttered to themselves and another blonde girl laughs so I averted my gaze in shame.

"Find your words, missy, "

Is he serious? Who does he think he is to talk to me like that? Sure he looks intimidating and half the girls in this room are gawking at him- you know what actually, I don't know why they're gawking at him. He's rude, arrogant and his words are enough to get him in prison. Is this how low other's standards are?

"Guys, come on, leave her alone. You too Jocelyn." A guy speaks out from the other side of the purple-haired girl and I look to him. I sighed in relief when he shoots me a smile.

At least someone's decent.

"God, Cade can you be any worse?" Andrew groaned and everyone laughed.

I look to this one of a kind auburn-haired boy and nodded a thank you at him while he sipped on his bottle of beer. Thank god, at least someone has some manners.

"Well, " the girl sighed, "we know she's too much of a goody-two-shoes to actually play so let's do it anyway."

She is really getting on my nerves. I can tell why the guy is so close to her. They're a match made in hell.

"Actually," I raised to my own surprise, "I'd play."

Everyone goes silent and shares a few intriguing looks. They looked at me like it's the first time they ever heard anyone say that which I'm sure it's not.

I look to Danica and found her standing up and walking away with Liam.

Oh no.

"We'll be back, " Liam announced and I widened my eyes at Danica who mouths another apology to me.

Is she serious right now? She cannot leave me like this, not with the people I don't know. Not in this dress and definitely not with this game.

How many wrong decisions am I gonna make tonight?

"Make sure you two aren't too loud, " the Italian guy comments while the girl wraps herself on him like a spider placing kisses on his neck. I looked away and cringed at their lack of courtesy but really, that's least of my worries.

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