Part 2 | Chapter 15

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A/NIf you've read this before then I'm sorry for the false alarm

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If you've read this before then I'm sorry for the false alarm. I'd just like to let you all know that I forgot to label this as the end of Part 2! So I'm so so sorry but now, you can be excited for part 3!! This book is almost completed and I'm so happy and sad and all other emotions. You guys are gonna love it (I hope).


Just one second," I yelled, looking at the 4 on my digital clock, wondering who it was banging on my door at this ungodly hour.

I frowned, fixing myself up when I almost tripped, stumbling through the dark with the only illumination, the moon flooding through the window. I groaned and opened the door, letting the light outside blind me.

"It's 4 am, what could you possibly want?" I say into the light not knowing the difference between a dream or reality. I sniffed, dispersing fragments of dawn from my system and once I opened my eyes properly, I am taken aback by the very kept Italian standing by the door.

I wake up with a jolt thinking it was a dream but when I still found him there, I groaned as though a lion awoke. There, I turned back around and tried to slam the door but his boot sticks through the gap and left me frustrated.

"Seriously," I groaned, "the sun isn't even up and it won't be for a few hours, are you that desperate?"

"Yes, yes I am." He replied quicker than a shotgun and I perked up.

No point in going to sleep anyway to my own dismay. I know he's mad and a little bit sad but if he's planning to have me forgive him then he is failing— miserably.
These guys really know how this thing works doesn't he? Waking a girl at dawn, pretending like it's not and smiling like an idiot too.

As reluctant as I am, I still swung the door open and leaned on it with a barely awake mind.

I watch him with his hands behind his back, smirking with a plan and I frowned. He looked at me one last time and I opened my mouth to say something only to be interrupted by the smell of roses under my nose. I recoiled at the sudden invasion but quickly returned with two wide eyes and a speechless tongue.


"Just take it and come with me please?" He pleaded and I couldn't help but chuckle in confusion. I tried to find some type of humor in his eyes but to no avail. He was serious and keen as it seems.

I hesitantly grabbed the flowers breathing in the aroma but frowning at who it came from.

"I don't think you understand how bargaining works," I joked and he raises a brow.

I sighed and looked down at myself thinking about his offer while I'm in my pajamas. If this is another one of his attempts for an apology then it surely isn't making any difference. Some flowers and a wake-up call won't change the fact that perhaps to him that kiss meant nothing.

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