Part 1 | Chapter 7

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He strides in with his long leather jacket and a notebook in hand

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He strides in with his long leather jacket and a notebook in hand. That was it. No courtesy or apology. He walks in like the devil who owns the place, the audacity.

Everyone stays silent but as he walked, his eyes met mine.

Goosebumps ran through my skin as he looked at me with not one emotion. He glanced as if he had never seen me and I took that as a relief. Perhaps if he doesn't remember me then I can be free from ever worrying about him.

My head starts spinning at the sight of him, in anger? In frustration? One of those and I don't feel so good about it.

"Excuse me, Mr. Cadwell, " Ms. Galen called out as he reaches the second-row-end seat where he sat.

"Have you got something to say?" Miss crossed her arms at his atrocious attitude and I applaud her in my head. Someone definitely needs to tell him off.

I watched carefully as Cade shifted in his seat. He seemed just as uncomfortable as everyone else in this room and I don't blame him. That guy just radiates negativity.

"No, Miss." I hear him answer and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Of course, he's the one who has nothing to apologize for.

Wait? Why is he even in my philosophy class? I might not know him enough but I never saw him as someone drowning in research books and writing endless essays about Aristotle. A guy with a potato for a heart and a mind like a broken computer does not belong in such a sophisticated subject. I'm sorry for judging but he spoke to me last night like I was filth. This is the least I could do; it's not like I can say it to his face.

Ms. Galen sighs in disappointment. "Well, Mr. Cadwell, on any occasion that you may be late, can you at least consider apologizing?" She hits back and I looked at him.

He just sat there, unbothered and nodding his head as if he didn't even hear a thing. That smug look on his face makes me want to come up there and tell him myself. You know what, something about last night really did ignite anger in me that I knew nothing of. Maybe he just does that to many others.

"He's in this class?" I muttered to Cade who chuckles while pushing his glasses up.

"Yeah, surprised me too when I found out." He whispered and I slump to my chair in disappointment.

Great. How annoyingly coincidental is it that we met just the night before? I do wish we hadn't met so I wouldn't have such a harsh view on him. For all I care he is actually a decent person who was just having a bad night. I'm willing to compensate.

"Does most of your group take risky subjects?" I asked.

"No, I don't think so." Cade shrugged and I chuckled as Ms. Galen finally takes the podium.

I take another glance at the guy and he was looking ahead, 'focused' on whatever it that was happening in front. Not a single element of remorse or regret. Just blank, emotionless eyes like that of a robot.

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