Part 1 | Chapter 2

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"No," Danica said as she blew smoke from her Juul looking me up and down like I'm some type of chart

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"No," Danica said as she blew smoke from her Juul looking me up and down like I'm some type of chart.

"What now?" I groaned while I turned around to face her and away from the mirror.

This is literally one of the most presentable dresses I have and she's saying no? I mean yeah I have a closet filled with vintage tees and turtlenecks but my style isn't that bad.

Compared to her who wears a barret like it's the best fashion statement she has when her body is only about 60% covered by a few pieces of fabric. But then again, she fits that fashion. With her blue hair and piercings, she definitely fits the criteria for daring to wear those clothes. I, on the other hand, is way too insecure to even fit one.

"No, " she emphasized again, her big lips curling as she let out the word.

I turn around again putting the dress against my chest and visualizing it on me. I think it's pretty.

"If you're living in the 1800s or some shit to find your Romeo then sure-"

"-1300's" I corrected her and I watched as she rolled her eyes from the closet mirror.

"-But you aren't gonna find him at that party, Evie. There's a boy there who invited you and is probably into you." She continued like nothing and I frown at her, following it with a laugh.

"Axel?" I asked and she hums sassily in response.

There is no way Axel is interested in me. I mean if he did then where's that slow-mo sequence when he realizes he likes me? Or the little montage of all the time he looked at me?

Ok, that may be a little overboard. But bottom line, he doesn't like me. He couldn't. I've seen him talk to other girls like it's his forte and honestly, I don't think I'm even close to his type. Surely he wouldn't like a girl who does nothing but talks about romantic films and cry over fictional characters.

"We're just friends Dani," I chuckled.

"Right, right." She remarked as she got off of her seat and placed both hands on my shoulders as we stared at ourselves in the mirror.

"And you ask why you've been single all this time." She whispered with a fake sympathy in her eyes and I roll mine.

"Oh shush, " I scolded her before slumping down on my disgustingly lime-colored bed.

Three years here and still no better dorm to go to. College right?

"Come on Evie," she groaned, "let me style you just this once. We've been living together for three years and I've always been forgiving."

"Yeah, without the exception of tormenting me every time I say no." I crossed my arms while holding a laugh.

Yeah, I know I'm a little serious and conservative at times but I grew up like that. It's hard to stray away even when I want to and believe me, I want to. The only reason every bit of change to belief is hard is because of my parents.

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