Part 1 | Chapter 13

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Nothing to me is better than performing on the stage

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Nothing to me is better than performing on the stage.

The blinding lights as it danced with the beat of the drums. How the crowd clapped along to every note I played. Being blinded by the lights for a moment long enough to clear out any nerves. All the adrenaline rushing through my body as the music picked up the pace, transporting everyone to a place nobody knows. Music is truly a magical thing and I've always been grateful to have it beside me at all times. Mother and Father were very supportive, enrolling me in almost every music class in preschool until high school thought piano and guitar were the only once I kept including vocals.

I loved doing what I do, despite my parent's disapproval of the public performances. They never approved of me going out to gigs and performing in drunk parties but; they never have to know. I still feel guilty for keeping it from them but it's the only thing I love and having them take that away from my aches to hear.

However, no matter how mighty the power of music is, Matteo's gaze is still a little bit more powerful.

His eyes never left mine while he sat on the bar watching me while he smoked and drank. If it weren't for the experience I probably would have messed up my whole set just because I was distracted by him. He'd watch me more than Cade would who-mind you- said he was my wingman. Quelle surprise, he disappears a few minutes into the last song and my heart drops.

I don't care if he left, I thought of the fact that I've got no one to go to after. I can't go home because I'm expected to help with the rest of the performances (which I doubt they need me for).

"Thank you so much for listening!" I said to the crowd and they erupted into cheers, "the band will be back shortly for the new set, "

With that, took my guitar down and onto the stand behind me. I glance at the bar again and this time I find a group of girls instead of Matteo and I sighed.

Walking down that stage felt like walking back out into the battlefield and believe me, it's not nice- especially when your partner disappears into nowhere.

To my relief after a few minutes, if looking around, I find Danica talking to a few other guys who I haven't seen before. I mustered up enough courage to come up to them, fiddling with my fingers behind my back.

"Hey, Dani?" I tapped her shoulder like a kid to her mother and she turns around.

"Hey, Evie! That performance was fantastic. You know I've always been a fan of your music, " she gushed and I smiled proudly.

It's true. Whenever I'd play in our dorm she'd stop anything she was doing just to listen. Perhaps it's one of the few things I liked about her. She's supportive like that.

"Thanks, " I said, "also, have you seen Cade anywhere?"

She looked around, tipping up her toes as if looking for him like I was but she curls her lips, "have you checked his room?" She said and I shook my head.

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