Part 3 | Chapter 6

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"So, how's the whole living together situation?" Danica asked, chewing on her salad as we sat by one of the tables at the coffee shop just outside our dorms

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"So, how's the whole living together situation?" Danica asked, chewing on her salad as we sat by one of the tables at the coffee shop just outside our dorms. I sip on my milkshake and thought about the right answer.

"It's been great. I mean I never thought I'd be staying there half my time. The place is heaven," I laughed. It is heaven.

"If it is so good then why don't you just move in?" She asked rightfully and I freeze.

We've spoken about it, Matteo and I but we never really got into an agreement because of my situation. We would spend dinners together talking about just moving in together but then the idea of my parents suddenly coming over and finding out that their goody-two-shoes of a daughter is living with the troublesome boy from Italy.

"Well, we kinda thought that if we do then it would make things seem a little faster than we'd like." I lied. The world doesn't need to find out our troubles as a couple, not even close friends. Some things are better off not being said.

"So have you told him about Henry then?" She squinted, avoiding the sunlight that pierced her eyes. I roll my jaw at the memory of how Henry and I left things but I didn't want to get too caught up that my mind loses itself.

"No, I haven't." I smiled faintly.

"He'll find out too you know?"

"Well, he can do that on his own. It's not like Henry can do much." I replied confidently. Contrary to what they believe, Matteo isn't the same person he was a few months ago. He's better and I like it that way. We're happier this way and I've got no reason to believe that he would turn back around and get his knuckles bloody.

"You're too confident about that Evie."

"It's because I know him, Dani," I snapped but caught myself. It seems as if lately I've been on edge but especially today.

After seeing Matteo's brother suddenly popping up out of nowhere and noticing how stressed and silent he was, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. Even this morning when I drove here my trepidation got the best of me and I almost swerved a car.

"I know him well now," I repeated trying to tell myself the same thing. Though, after this morning, I feel like there's something else I have yet to find out.

"Of course you do. We all do. We think we know someone but there's always gonna be that little thing that you two will never talk about. I mean girl, you surely have some things you haven't told him." She raises her brows and I frowned trying to formulate a defense yet my phone beat me to it.

I jumped at the buzzing and fished for my phone in my bag. I read the name and sighed when I saw Matteo with two hearts and a wave beside it.

Danica scoffs and I shake my head with a laugh before answering.

"Hey," I said with a giddy laugh.

"Hey, are you on your way over?" His tone was serious and dead like the day I met him. Though on this one there was no cockiness or an uproar of ego. It was deep, breathy, and stressed.

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