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Someone opened a TV and quickly changed the channel to news...

News for the day. It has been 70 years since the Hybridization movement began. An it has also been 90 years since the Hybridization experiment began.

People fought for hybrids' lives but it momentarily stopped as we can observe. Many people right now are turning their backs from hybrids.

Many petitions were made, some are to protect hybrids yet many of it are to prevent hybrids' population to grow.

Now the government is torn about the hybrids. They are now letting everyone do their jobs on the society.

But recently, the government learned about guardian hybrids. They are a special kind of hybrid that protects other hybrids.

Now, can we decide on kee–

The TV was closed by the old woman.


I came home after I finished a mission. And my last mission is on It's way.

I lay down myself on my comfy bed. It was comfy and helps me get calm. But it was cold.

I heard a tap from my window and soon it got on my nerves. I was just resting, tired from a mission and they didn't even give me a break.

I just opened stood up and opened my window. The envelope got in my desk as I close my window.

I opened it, my jaws dropped when I saw what is inside the envelope. It wasn't just my last mission but also an enrollment form to a school.

A few years ago, I got into a school and stayed there for a short time. Cause the mission was easy.

I really enjoyed my time at school than in this house. I felt alone whenever I'm in this house.

Cause what can I do? My parents died when I was young and left me on a hybrids' home.

My parents were also hybrids and they love me and I love them. They're my everything.

But they where killed by someone because my dad is a guardian hybrid. And because of that our lives where always on the line.

He protects hybrids who are used by criminals who are rich. I don't even know how he could protect somebody and doesn't protect himself.

Moving on, I jumped up and down on my bed. I am so happy. I can finally return to school and not only for a short time but a long time.

After I finish my mission, I can stay there until I graduate. I love it!

I then laid in my bed under the covers and rest.

I woke up smiling like crazy. I'm so excited that I can go back to school.

But I remembered, I don't have any money. Shit! I then took my documents and other things to pass on my agency.

Yes, every guardian hybrid have an agency. I also get my money from them.

I just need to pass a paper that proves that I need money, process it and vuallah! I have money.

I prepared myself and go to my agency. I passed my documents and it will come back after 3 days.

It's okay because I needed the money for next week. Because next week, I'm going to SCHOOL!

I got back home and chilled.

The week came back fast as I face my school. I got the money I need 4 days ago and bought stuffs that I need.

I entered the school gate and there it is, the sign. I read it and it says "JYP University"

Wow what a great name. I entered the school and noticed that the hallway I got myself into has no people walking.

I walked deeper in the hallways and sense that a hybrid was getting beaten up.

I got deeper and there I saw a tall man kicking a hybrid in his stomach.

I just ran and kicked the man away from the hybrid. "Are you Felix?" I asked.

"Yes, I am Felix. And how did you do that?" He asked me.

I smiled at him and introduced myself to him.

"Hi I'm Kim Seungmin..."

"Your guardian hybrid"

Hey peaches🍑 I can't help myself but write the first chapter of this story and publish it. Hope you like it. ❤

~ k_minjun

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