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It's been hella awkward since this morning. Felix this brat! He should be thankful that I can contain my anger.

We're right here, with Jeongin and Chan, Jisung and Felix, at the lunch table talking.

"Channie hyung! D-don't t-tickle me!" Jeongin was basically being tickled by Chan.

"That's why you must stop on being a teaser" Chan hyung smirks as he tickles the hell out of Jeongin.

"Hey guys! I have an announcement!" Felix yelled which made some eyes from from other tables to turn.

He put his hand on my shoulders before saying "Seungmin has a boyfriend!"

Almost everyone in the cafeteria stopped eating and looked at us. I hit Felix's back lightly.

"Hey! Felix! Guys, don't believe him" I said as I defended myself.

"Really? You really don't have a boyfriend?" Jisung asked. The other two looked at me seriously.

"Ahh! Right! Seungmin, where did you stay for the weekend?" Chan hyung asked me as Jeongin nodded.

"You didn't call me! You didn't call me!" Jisung yelled at me. Feeling betrayed that I didn't call him.

"Sorry, Jisung" I ended my apology with an apologetic smile. Then Felix talked.

"Seungmin slept at Hyunjin's!" Felix basically called almost everyone's attention at me.

"Felix! You must not yell everything about our conversation" I paused as I stop scolding him.

"And just liked I said earlier, I made it clear right? That I don't have a boyfriend!" I added.

"Looks like someone is in denial~" Jeongin teased making Chanhyung tease me also.

"Seungmin, you're a big boy now ahh~" Chan hyung teased. Huhhh! This unbelievable couple.


I noticed that Changbin is always looking at Felix during lunch.

And today, I decided to ask him some questions. "Changbin... do you like Felix" I boldly asked.

Chnagbin at that time, was drinking water and almost spit it out to Minho.

"Yahh! Why did you spit on me?" Minho said. Clearly, more dramatic than me.

"Hey! Minho, I almost! Almost spit on you. I didn't spit on you!" Chnagbin defended and took a sip at his drink.

"So Changbin, you're not denying?" I asked smirking at him. "No! It's not like that! Uhmm... yes! I mean no! No!" He groaned after his sentence.

"Make up your mind Changbin!" Minho squished Changbin's cheeks and Changbin pouted.

"I like him... but I think he hates me..." Changbin looked down and pretty sad.

"Why? You're likeable!" I said to make him smile but it didn't, it made him feel worse.

"Yeah, I can say I'm likeable! But... you know... I'm friends with... bullies" he said as his volume goes down.

I then stood up and dragged him to the other's table. I stopped at Seungmin and Felix's backs.

The fox hybrid looked shocked to see us. I then tapped Felix's shoulders.

He looked up and saw Changbin. I then said to him that "Changbin wants to talk to you about something"

Felix blushed and gave a 'really?' look at Changbin. Changbin nodded held his wrists.

"Can I talk to you privately?" Changbin politely asked. But Felix shooked his head.

"Then were can I talk to you?" Changbin asked him again. Felix answered "Here"

"Here?" Changbin couldn't believe at what Felix said. "Well... uhmm... I like..." he then grabbed a water bottle by the table.

"Water!" Changbin smiled awkwardly while Felix's expression looks down.

"Bitch! Confess already!" Seungmin yelled at Changbin to take courage. Thankfully Changbin manned up.

"I like you, Felix"

Hey peaches🍑 Changlix is sailing! Uhh... I feel soft for them. Especially when I read fanfics about them. Hope you like it~ hehehe.

~ k_minjun

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