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It's been days since I stop bullying hybrids. It's been days since I had the urge to beat them up.

So I decided to stop by the silent hallway waiting for a hybrid to come by.

And just like any other day, a fox hybrid came and I pinned him to the wall.

"W-what are you doing?" The fox hybrid said as his legs shake in fear.

I smirked and lifted my hands getting ready to slap him but a hand stopped me.

"C-chan h-hyung" the hybrid cried the other's name and pushed me.

His hands was still on my wrists so I tried to let go. He  then let go of me and glared at me.

"Don't you dare hurt my hybrid. If you want to beat someone up, not him" Chan said.

"Not on my watch!" He added with a death smirk. That hybrid followed him as his hands was on the hybrid's wrists.

What a waste of time. The bell rang and I picked up my bag and headed to class.

The second bell rang indicating it was now lunch. And as I expected, Minho and Changbin was waiting for me outside.

Then we headed to the cafeteria, there we sat on our usual spot and I eyed Seungmin on his spot.

He was laughing with his friends at their table. I then stood up and went to their table.

I stood behind Seungmin and there I saw the hybrid I almost beat up earlier and his savior.

And they are both lovey-dovey to each other. Then they both stopped when they saw me.

"Channie hyung~ he's right there" the hybrid snuggled closer to the guy and that guy hugged the hybrid closer.

"It's alright, Innie~" he said before turning a glare to me "what do you want?" He asked.

"I-I just want to talk to Seungmin" I said before looking down. Seungmin then looked behind and was surprised to see me.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked me calmly with a tint of irritation.

"Let's meet after school, at the back of the school" I said before leaving the cafeteria.

How do I confront him with that?


That Hyunjin once again ruined my day. I was happy because I finally discovered Felix' crush.

It was Changbin

But back to reality, I finished my meal faster than anyone and got back to the library.

The fourth bell rang indicating that school has ended. And I had to face Hyunjin at the back of the school.

I exited the class and bid goodbyes to my friends. Then headed to Hyunjin.

When I entered the back door, someone was standing there, back facing me.

But I know that it's Hyunjin. I walked towards him and poked hi back.

He looked back and gosh, those smiles are beautiful. The sun would be totally blind if Hyunjin battled with it.

His face is ethereal and his skin was sunkissed. He looked down a little at me.

"So let's get to the point" he said and added

"Who are you?"

Hey peaches🍑 another update will be coming so just you wait.

~ k_minjun

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