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"H-huh?" I was confused on what he was trying to say.

"Who are you!?" He yelled once again asking me.

I just stood there thinking. 'I'm Seungmin, Kim Seungmin. A hybrid, guardian hybrid' I thought.

"What?" I tried to be seen as dumbfounded.

"This is my last question... What are you?" He said.

I gulped. What is he trying to do? Does he know? Am I known?

"Ahhh... hu-human?" I said trying once again to be dumbfounded.

He facepalmed himself and walked nearer to me. He leaned on me as I felt his breathe on my ears.

"Kim Seungmin, I saw you days ago. You've been locked by the gate. And you did something" he said.

I felt nervous of him. I didn't know why I was getting nervous of this.

Then he backed away from me and held something in his hands.

After a second, he threw something onto me. I caught it using my speed ability.

He smirked and tried to turn away but I grabbed his hands and looked at him in the eyes.

"Please don't say anything to others... please" I said as he fish something from his pocket.

I then saw his phone recording. He ended it and I grabbed it and deleted it.

"Don't worry baby, it's sync on my computer" he said. I was shocked not of what he did but, b-baby?

"I love it when you beg hybrid" he said making my chest tighten and hurt.

H-hybrid? Is that what people see us? A mere hybrid?

I closed my eyes with my tears threatening to fall. I'm usually not like this but if this is what Felix felt and other hybrids too, I felt bad for them.

They really need a guardian hybrid to help them cope up with their problems.

"If you don't want others to know, then..." he paused for a bit making me anxious of the condition.

"Do all my homeworks and, and all my projects at school. All my schoolworks will be given to you and you must do them" he smirked as he said his condition.

I don't have any choice so I just agreed. He then opened his bag and got his notebooks and tossed it at the ground.

"Do them" he said before walking away.

I then picked his notebooks and worksheets up and called Chan hyung.

"Chan hyung" I said before he hummed. "Sorry I can't join you later" I added

"Okay, just be safe Seungmin. Bye~" Chan hyung said before me replying "Bye hyung~" and I ended the call.

I sighed and went home.


Did I act harshly on him? Did I give him a hard task? Is he crying right now? Did he– No!

Hyunjin, just think that you have lesser burden to do. You can chillax and dance the night away.

You can– No! Is he okay? Is he mad at me? Did I scare him? I'm so worried about him.

Kim Seungmin, what did you do to me?

Hey peaches🍑 Uhmm, sorry for the short update. Hehehe. Why am I laughing slyly.

~ k_minjun

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