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After school, Felix invited me to their house. He went home earlier than me cause I had to clean the room.

After I cleaned the room, I quickly went to their house. I rang the door and he opened the door for me.

I entered and he gestured me to sit at the living room. I nodded and when I got there Chan hyung and Jeongin was there.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked them. "We're here to hear your explanation, hyung" Jeongin crossed his arms and pouted.

I giggled at the sight, Jeongin was still a baby. I just wanna pinch his cheeks so went to do that.

But, Chan hyung slapped my hands away from Jeongin. "Wow, what a jealous boyfriend!" I yelled.

He just hugged Jeongin and the younger hugged back. Where is Felix?

Speaking about the devil, he entered the room with a popcorn in hand. He sat beside me and said.

"Spill... the... TEA!" he yelled at my ears. "What tea?" I asked. Felix just pouted his lips and pointed to it.

"Ahh... please don't" I begged them not to help me remember last night.

They just shook their heads as I sighed in defeat. I cleared my throat and started spilling.

Last night

"Tutor me"

"What? No!" I declared. He glared at me and pouted "Please, Minnie!"

I sighed in defeat and asked him to stand up. "Okay... what subject?" I asked as he took out a book from his bag.

"Math" he opened the book to a certain page and looked at me. "Math? It's so easy" I said in unbelief.

I sat at his desk and he took a chair to sit next to mine. He looked at me.

I decided to teach him, our lessons where the same so I taught him and made everything easier for him to get it.

After a few hours of tutoring, I felt that he wasn't listening to me.

I then looked at him, I gave him a question to test if he understood my teachings.

He answered it and his answer was far from the right answer.

I saw him looking at me, no at my lips. I blushed a little at his actions.

He smiled and said "If I got an answer right, can you grant me a wish?" He negotiated with me.

"O-okay" I then gave him another question. He solved it for like a minute and handed his answer to me.

I looked at his answer and he wrote the right one. I nodded and said "Wish away!"

He smirked at me and said "Anything?" I was oblivious so I didn't think deep of his question. I nodded at him.

"Okay! Let me kiss you" he smiled widely. "Ok– what!? Why a kiss?" He didn't answer my question and dragged me to bed.

I was to nervous to realize that I had powers. I tackled over me.

He was on top of me while I was at his bottom. He leaned on me to kiss me but I resisted.

But then, he grabbed my hands and put them both above my head.

He then bit my neck and kissed me. I felt helpless of the weird feeling.

It was so good. He then kissed me at my lips and after a minute, he bit my bottom lip.

I accidentally moaned and he slipped his tongue inside my wet cavern.

It feels so good, having this weird feeling. He then stopped and I whine. "Why are you so whiny?" He asked.

I didn't bother to answer but just said...

"I want more~"

Hey peaches🍑 I can't believe I made Seungmin horny. I'm really sorry for that. I don't want any unholy chapters in this story. So I hope you understood that.

~ k_minjun

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