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I was going out with my friends. Not my school friends but my other friends at a club.

I was walking on a street when I felt droplets of water on my face.

I looked up to see that it was going to rain so I got my umbrella out of my bag and walk.

I was walking when I saw someone lying down on the floor.

I saw that it was that hybrid, Seungmin. He then lost consciousness so I slightly shrugged him but nothing.

He was lying wet on the floor. I think he was kicked out of his house, seeing furniture outside.

So I called Bomin, one of my friends I was going with in a club.

He arrived. "Bomin, do you know someone who helps in moving stuff. Like owner of a truck, like that" I asked.

"Sure" he replied and added "By the way, who's the guy? Can I get his number?"

"No!" I yelled at him. "He's my hybrid!" I quickly defended and left him there to walk Seungmin to my house.

I took Seungmin to my bathroom. I'm a guy right and he's a guy... so it's alright, right?

I quickly took off hi clothes and saw his milky white skin, his slender waist and his pink nipples.

Hyunjin! No! Don't you dare think of that! And with that I cleaned him and clothed him with my clothes.

I searched for a hoodie and a pair of shorts. When I put my hoodie on him, it made him small.

I was quite stunned by this hybrid. How can he be so cute and cuddly.

I carried him to my bed and when I put him down, he snored.

I smile and put his bag down the side of the bed. I was going to walk out of the room when he grabbed my hands.

"Seute wi mi" he mumble I was confused of what he said. I didn't even understand.

And that's when he pulled me by the bed. He hugged me and I froze up.

He then started to move a little and I can see that's he's uncomfortable. Well, anyone can be uncomfortable with me.

He then moved his hands down his shorts and removed the shorts I put.

"Bwetwer" he once again mumble but this time I understood. Better! He said better.

He then snuggled by my chest and I hugged him back. My eyelids got heavier and fell asleep.


I woke up feeling better. The pain left and I felt warm. I smuggled closer to something and it felt hard.

I snuggled a little closer and I heard a moan. What? I opened my eyes to see Hyunjin.

My eyes went open and and I tried to get off his grip. But unfortunately, the grip went tighter.

"You're so warm" he mumbled. Me warm? Well, I can't deny that but what the heck!

You're my bully and you're like this. Weakling! But I felt out of breath when he hugged me tighter than before.

"You're so cute"

Hey peaches🍑 LMAO once again. Hyunjin is mean in this story and in my other on going story, Seungmin is mean. Well, I almost got dizzy with their characters.

~ k_minjun

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