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The next day came, we were at the lunch table chatting about happenings in our lives.

"So Jisung, where were you yesterday?" Felix asked. "Y-you know me, I-I've been... home" Jisung replied.

Jeongin grabbed a chopstick and pointed it to Jisung, to yell "Where were you!?" Chan hyung quickly dragged Jeongin's hand down before anyone sees it.

I laughed at their reactions cause when I was walking home, I saw Jisung with Minho.

And yes, Minho, the bully. I think he's afraid of what will happen if he confesses.

Cause Felix and Jeongin here had been bullied by him, Minho.

I quickly grabbed their attention. "Guys, promise me you won't be angry if he said the truth" the guys (gays) had been shocked.

"Y-you know?" Jisung scratched his nose before I leaned in to say "I saw you and Minho together yesterday"

Jisung gasped. "H-how did you know?" I just crossed my arms and posed as if I'm a wise man.

"Spill the tea!" Felix yelled at me. "Without Jisung's permission" I said before putting up a finger and moving it left and right.

"Jisung, it's okay. You can tell us" Chan hyung was begging to know what was happening to him yesterday.

But Jisung just shook his head, I mean, he's not ready yet, right?

The topic suddenly shifted to Changbin and Felix. "I couldn't believe that Felix's long-time crush has a crush on him" Jeongin squealed.

Jisung, Chan hyung and I laughed at his reaction. Felix was flustered and was blushing until a hand tapped his shoulders.

Everyone looked shocked to see Changbin and the other two, Minho and, Jinnie.

Felix on the other side zoned out at he stare at his lover. And I, I just ate, nothing more nothing less.

Until Jinnie asked, "Can we sit with you for today?" It was obvious in his tone that he became shy.

Then I just remember yesterday, I shook my head to cut the thoughts off. I was also starting to blush.

Cause I don't want any of our tutoring lesson to become a make out session.

Chan hyung nodded as a reply that they can sit with us.

The table has eight chairs, four here and across us was also four.

Chan hyung, Jeongin, and Jisung sat across us with a seat vacant, and there Minho sat.

While at our side, Felix and I were next together but he asked me to move for Changbin will sit with him.

There only one seat was vacant for Jinnie to sit, and it was beside me.

He sat there as we avoid each others gazes. After a full ten minutes, the guys (gays) at our table became comfortable with each other.

They started laughing as I became quiet. "Seungmin hyung, why are you so quiet right now? Earlier, you're so noisy" Jeongin cut off their laughing as they draw their attention to me.

"N-no, n-nothing" I quickly put my hands infront and shook it.

I felt like I was being stared at my back. I looked back to see Jinnie starting at me, causing me to blush.

I looked back at Jeongin but then Jinnie cupped my face and kissed me in the lips.

Everyone at our table was shook, including me. He broke the kiss and looked at me smirking.

He then looked at the other then back unto me. He suddenly pouted and said...

"Why? Are you ashamed of me?"

Hey peaches🍑 I'm sorry that I messed up the last part of the previous chapter. I was just tired and didn't double check my writing, I'm sorry~

~ k_minjun

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