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I blushed at the sudden compliment. Then when I realized something, I quickly hit my head again and again.

Then he grabbed my arm and put it down. "Why did my puppy hit himself?" He said.

"P-pu-puppy?" I stuttered as my eyes widen. I looked everywhere except his gaze.

Why am I being like this? 'Kim Seungmin! You're a guardian hybrid, you cannot let anyone dominate you!' I thought.

'Remember! He's the one who bullied Felix! You must persecute him. But how can I ask him about the negotiation' I was suddenly lost in my thoughts.

He suddenly cupped my face and turn my gaze into his brown orbs. I melt at the sudden contact.

I tried to looked everywhere except him as he observe my facial feature.

I kinda blushed lowkey about it. I then used my strength to get his hands out from my face.

He was surprised about it. Then I changed the topic. "Are you okay now?" I asked him.

"Hmm" He hummed as he nod. Well, what a relief. That was worth my first kiss.

"A-are you hungry?" I asked him. But his stomach answered for me as it grumble.

He smiled at me widely and gosh, I melted lowkey. I just stood up and turned back but he grabbed my wrists.

He looked down and looked up at me, meeting my eyes. "I-I don't know where to go" he mumbled as I realized it's my house.


After we ate the breakfast that he made, I bid goodbye to him and went home.

I live in a two story house, not too small and also not too big.

I live alone for my parents are abroad and they also trust me that I can live alone.

But like always, they would send money to me as my allowance and for school.

I might be a bully but I'm smart, talented, charming and also responsible than those other bullies.

I don't kinda get it when other people are friends with hybrids, they're fucking disgusting.

I just cut my thoughts away as I shower and dress myself.

I got my bag and my keys as I walk to school.


I came at school just in time and when I say just in time, I meant 30 minutes earlier.

After 20 minutes, Felix entered the room. We were the only students who are early.

He sat at his seat next to mine and asked me about Hyunjin.

And there I confessed everything except the fact that I kissed him.

Uhh! I deserve a thank you from Felix. And as expected he didn't only thank me but also hugged me.

He said that he was worried yesterday, that he might have done something to Hyunjin.

I again reassured him that nothing happened. He smiled at me and apologized.

"Why are you apologizing" I asked him. He looked at me in the eyes and I can see that tears are threatening to fall.

"I must have bothered you yesterday. I'm really sorry" he sobbed and hugged me once again.

I rubbed his cat ears to make him comfortable. He purred after a few seconds.

"If you are truly sorry then stop apologizing" I said and he didn't say anything but he purred at my actions.

"But Seungmin, I have a problem" Felix said. I then let go of him, stretched my arms and bend my neck to click.

"What is it? I'm ready!" I said to him. He hit my arm gesturing I don't need strength.

I looked at him with wide eyes as he said

"I think I have a crush on one of the bullies"

Hey peaches🍑 I actually have a storyline for 'Puppy love' but I'm now writing this with my heart and not following the storyline. HEHEHE

~ k_minjun

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