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While heading home, Minnie and I held hands. Both of us were literally smiling our lips out.

I just couldn't shrug the thought that he believed me earlier, he thought that I had someone that I like.

He tightened his grip on my hands and intertwined it. He hid his face as he avoided my gaze.

But before he could even look away, I saw his face tinted with a bright shade of red.

I giggled at his reaction and let go of his hands to wrap it around his waist.

We arrived home and the thing that I was thinking earlier came back.

I held his hands as I pull him towards the couch. He sat beside me and asked "Do you want to talk about something?"

I nodded as he mutter a "Go on". I inhaled deeply before asking "Do you trust me?"

He looked confused but still answered "Yes! Of course!"

I quickly fire another question "Then why did you believe me when I said I like someone else, when last night I confessed to you?"

He gulped and stuttered "I-it's not l-like that". "Then what is it?" I asked.

"I trust you! That's why when you said you like someone, I backed out" he exclaimed.

I then leaned in closer to him attempting to kiss him but he dodged it.

He cleared his throat before speaking "I trust you Jinnie, so I needed to say something to you"

I looked at him and listened attentively to what he will say next.

"I had this mission..." he paused before continuing "I–" I cut him off.

"You got a mission, to cross a bridge named Yong won? Young bin? Man bok? Or something. And also must help Felix with his forbidden love, with Hyunjin"

I said and he just looked at me with his mouth wide open, a fly can come in anytime so I closed it.

"How did you k–" " I looked at your paper" "What!?" He yelled and looked at me furiously.

"Sorry" I muttered. "Fine, I'll forgive you. And to continue the story, I haven't found the bridge"

He said as he scratch the back of his head and look seriously at the floor.

"Minnie, can I say something?" I asked. He nodded and I proceeded "A man approached me earlier at a shop I entered. He's a weird man but then, when he started speaking. He guessed something about you and me. He even told me that I was your mission"

Seungmin looked at me with wide eyes. "Why? Is there something wrong? Is there something on my face? Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!" I yelled but he just laughed at me.

"I can't believe it! You're literally my last mission Jinnie. I'm so glad I finished my mission!" He said.

I looked at him confused. I think that he will now leave me after his mission. I thought he likes me, but look how happy he is.

"I love you Jinnie!" He yelled.


Hey peaches🍑 I just created another messed up chapter. Hope you would forgive me for another fcked up chapter. I hate cursing but sorry... I literally am.

~ k_minjun

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