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After ordering our meal, I came upstairs to our room to check on Minnie.

I just want to have a talk to him about something. I headed upstairs to check on him but he was at the shower.

I then sat on our bed and waited for him. I kinda got impatient so I walked around the room.

I walked pass the walk-in closet unto my desk. A piece of paper got my attention.

It has a golden stamp by the bottom-right. I then picked it up and read it.

Mission? What mission? And by the time I finished reading it the shower stopped.

I quickly put it back into place and ran towards the bed without any noise.

Minnie came out with a towel only covering his lower half.

His became wide eyed shot as I smirk while eyeing his body. He then yelled at me.

"Get out!" I giggled at his reaction. He tried to cover up his body but his arms are skinny to hide his body.

I crossed my arms "But this is my bedroom... you could get out or you could stay inside" I asked him.

He then ran towards the walk-in closet and closed it. I tried to open the door but it's locked.

A few minutes had passed when he opened the door. He was taken aback when he saw me waiting by the door.

"Can... you move... Hyunjin?" Hyunjin? Why did he called me Hyunjin?

"Hy-hyunjin?" I asked him. He was a bit confused. "Ahh... sorry Jinnie" he apologized.

I then got an idea, so I walked closer and closer to him but he move back in every step I took.

I then closed the door for the walk-in closet and pinned him on the wall.

He gulped and looked down nervously. Why is he so powerless? I mean, why is he so submissive?

I then put a finger in his chin and lift his face up. He looked unto me and my heartbeat got faster.

Kim Seungmin! You don't know how you make me soft, day by day.

And I wanted you to know how you made me melt in every gaze you gave.

I closed my eyes and leaned towards him. Then we were interrupted when the bell rang.

I forgot about the order, I looked back and that's when Minnie pushed me.

I fell by the floor and he just stood there blushing. His face tainted by a dark shade of pink.

He then ran as fast as a bullet. I felt weak as I realized how embarrassing the situation we had was.

I got down and saw the order by his hands. He left it by the table and sat at a chair.

I walked down and sat at the seat across him. I saw him trembling a little slowly.

"You okay?" I asked him. He replied with a simple "okay" and we dug in.

After our meal, I went for the shower. But when I got out, I saw Minnie sleeping by the bed.

I laid down by his side and observed his features. He really is a puppy and I will make him mine.

I smiled like a fool and kissed his forehead. As I mumble some words and slept.

"I know we've known each other for a few weeks but..."

"I think I like you, Minnie"

Hey peaches🍑 just like I promised, I will drop some spoilers for the next book of 'Love series'


They said it was a
Time machine

Just like a film,
that helps to
reminisce our past

But little did
I knew that
I had to play

But then, suddenly,
things took a
dark turn

I lost.


《Nostalgic love》 (Friends) - *Changlix*

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《Nostalgic love》 (Friends) - *Changlix*

~ k_minjun

puppy love | seungjin ✓Where stories live. Discover now