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I was walking at the side walk, after I left Minho's house.

He said he would like me to leave when Jisung came. And there I left his house.

I still don't want to go home so I wondered around the city.

I saw many restaurants and also stores. Then I came across this one shop that sells accessories.

I was walking down so aisles when someone popped out of nowhere. I yelled loudly but apologized after.

He then asked me "Are you going to buy someone a gift?" I then answered.

"I was actually sightseeing myself into stores. Don't worry I won't steal anything"

He then gave me a confused look. "I really feel that you have someone in your life, lover specifically"

I cleared my throat as he continues "He's not a human but a powerful being. I can't pinpoint what he really is but he truly loves you"

I was going to say something when he hushed me "I'm not done talking yet. You're his mission, but he doesn't know"

Then a white dust suddenly appeared out of nowhere as he vanish into oblivion.

I put my hands infront of me trying to touch him but he was already gone.

I ran to the counter and asked her if she saw me talking to someone.

She just laughed at me and said that I was talking to myself. I then glared and accidentally looked down.

Then I saw this bracelet, a white and black pair of bracelet.

I then looked at the note under it's tag.

'You two are different but you both are perfect and made for each other'

I smiled widely and purchased the bracelet.


After hours of spending time with the three, I bid farewell to them as I exit the house.

But Chan hyung's words earlier struck my heart. Should I really confess to him properly?

I actually told them what happened yesterday and almost everything.

Should I just do it? What if he doesn't truly mean that? I should just stick to finding out my mission.

But before then my phone buzzed meaning I had a message.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and opened the message.

Hyunjin have something to tell to me? What is it? And he asked me if I could stop by Skz park.

I closed my phone and decided to walk my way to him.

I entered the park and saw kids running around, playing. And some women chatting by the benches near the playground.

I walked through the garden of the park. And there I saw Hyunjin sitting alone at the bench.

He stood up and walked towards me. "Minnie, I had to tell you something" he bluntly said but before he could even speak, I decided to confess.

"I like you, hyung!" Hyung? What is wrong with me?

"Sorry but I like someone else" he said to me. Tears started to fall back. I looked down for I don't want him to see it.

I thought what he said last night was true but now I know that he is just playing with me.

I was fooled, I thought I saw a sincere smile, hug, and kiss but it was all fake.

I turned around and started to walk away but I stopped when his hands caught my wrists.

"And that someone, is infront of me"

Hey peaches🍑 suck it! I cringed a lot! I doesn't like this chapter at all. The dialogue for the prologue didn't even fit so I had to edit it out. I just hope you would understand me...

~ k_minjun

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