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I opened my eyes after someone threw a powerful kick that caused me to fly across the lockers.

I squeezed my eyes tight to differentiate reality from imagination. And just like that, I started to feel pain in the left side of my stomach.

That hybrid! What did he do to me. I looked everywhere but I'm all alone. And I tried to walk but I was limping.

I heard the bell rang and with that I picked up my bag and ran to my class even if I feel pain.

"I'll just deal with that hybrid after school" I scoffed and with that I entered the class.

The bell rang indicating it was lunch and the empty hallways was soon filled with students.

I walked through the halls heading towards the cafeteria when someone called me.

"Hyunjin!" I turned back to see Changbin and Minho. They approached me and slang their arms on my shoulders.

"You hoe! Don't you like Jisung?" Changbin yelled drawing the attention of some students.

Minho looked around before hitting Changbin very hard on the chest.

"There's so many students here!" Minho whispered-yelled at Changbin.

I've had enough so I cut them both off. "I'm hungry and can you both shut up"

They both laugh saying "You truly have a sensitive ass!"

"Yeah! Your so sensitive" Minho agreed with Changbin and armed the left side of my stomach.

I curled up as the pain that I endured subsided and has now came back.

Minho looked at me and said "It wasn't even that strong" I tried to smile and straighten my posture.

"Yeah, It's nothing" I shrugged the feeling off and once again endured the pain.

The bell rang once again and every student in our class got up and left

I still feel the pain but I'mma deal with that hybrid first. I was leaning on the door and waited for Felix to come.

After a few minutes he got out of the room next to mine. And with that I knew a better punishment for this hybrid.


The bell rang and I bid goodbyes to my friends who are leaving the room and after 10 minutes, I was all alone.

I suddenly wondered about Hyunjin. Seungmin's kick was too powerful for any human.

I was worried at him.

I got up and packed my things. I still haven't packed it earlier cause Jisung was bothering me.

And with that I left the room and locked it. I was walking in the hall when I felt a presence staring at me.

I looked beside and saw Hyunjin with a smirk. He then grabbed me by my collar.

"Do you think you can escape me? You fucking hybrid!" He yelled at me and slapped me across my face.

It was so hard then he pushed me down and started kicking me. It felt worse that the normal kind of beating he gave me.

Tears then dripped from my eyes. I then had the urge to look up.

I can see that Hyunjin is in pain. So I tried resisting, I tried tripping him.

And with that he fell. I checked on him, his breathing and pulse. I exhaled in relief.

I waited for him to wake up. Half an hour felt like a day. He still didn't wake up.

What if something bad happened? And with that another round of tears came unto me.

Then the door suddenly opened and It's my guardian...


Hey peaches🍑 so another update from this book. I saw many accounts added this to their reading list and I'm so grateful for the support you gave me.

~ k_minjun

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