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I gulped thinking at what Felix had said. "C-crush?" I repeated his words again as the bell rang.

Someone grabbed my hand and I looked at him. It's Felix, he's smiling at me.

(a/n: you thought that was Hyunjin... hehehe)

I just smiled back and he grabbed me up. I was just packing my things but I was dragged inside the cafeteria.

Yesterday, I was alone eating at the garden but now I have company.

Felix waved at a table with 3 person but the table was for 6 people actually.

I can confirm that one was a hybrid because of his ears and the other two, I don't know.

Felix dragged me to the table and gave me a seat beside his.

I sat down and the other three was smiling at me. Well now that I have a clear view of the three, I recognize one person.

"Felix, seems like you have your guardian" said the person beside the hybrid. I know him.

"How did you kno– ahh" Felix kinda understand what is happening. While the other two don't.

"Seungmin meet–" I cut him off and said "Chan hyung" with a smile.

We did our handshake and I was kinda impressed. He still remembers it.

"How did you two know each other?" Said the hybrid beside Chan hyung. "I'm Jeongin, if you would ask" he added.

"Hello Jeongin! Well, Chan hyung and I grew up at the same place and trained at yhe same school. And as you would think, yes! I'm a guardian hybrid" I said.

"Really?" The boy who looked like a squirrel asked me. "Yes!" I replied.

I kinda thought he's a hybrid because he kinda resembles a squirrel. But I know if a person is a hybrid or not.

"By the way, I'm Han Jisung. Best friend of Felix" he added. "Ohh! Yeah! He protects me from the bullies especially Minho!" Felix added as he look at one table.

I didn't bother to look and asked Chan hyung some questions.

"Chan hyung, did you receive your last mission" I kinda lower my voice because I can't let anyone knew about me except when I finished all my missions.

"Jeongin is my last mission and like that, I stayed with him" Chan hyung said.

He also asked me if I received my final mission and I just pointed to Felix.

He laughed a bit causing Jeongin to look at him while eating. I was kinda jealous because he has someone who will be with him forever.

I continued to eat my food and noticed Felix looking again at a specific table.

He was smiling and his eyes was shining at a specific person.

I followed his gaze and it landed on Hyunjin. Hyunjin was laughing with other two guys.

The one beside him was small, has a dark aura, pointy chin and slightly tan skin.

And the other one across him was like a sculpture sculpted by famous sculptors, he looks ethereal and has a white milky skin.

But all I can say is that Hyunjin looked ten times more attractive and handsome.

(a/n: please don't kill me, I'm kinda sailing my ship, Seungjin. hehehe)

Then I looked back to Felix, he was still staring at him. I don't know why my blood boiled but I slammed my chopsticks down, got my meal up and exited the cafeteria.

I don't know why I was getting angry. And I know when I'm feeling angry or anything, But!

I just felt angry and


Hey peaches🍑 hehehe, I don't know if I will update again later but this story got me kept going.

~ k_minjun

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