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I then remembered that I'm stronger than him so I pushed him.

That push was not too weak but he, kinda, flew across the room.

"Aww!" He yelped in pain. I quickly ran to him and got on my knees and asked him "Are you okay?"

Silence filled the room until he spoked up "Do you think I'm okay!?" I mean he yelled.

I quickly got up and bowed to him. When did I get so submissive? Did his voice made me obey?

Forget it! I just sat down his bed and sighed, looking down. He got up, his back is arched up.

He then headed beside me and sat down. "Are you okay?" He asked me.

Something inside me made me burst into tears. And that's when he patted my shoulders.

I looked unto him and asked him "Why are you being kind to me now? Why didn't you just left me in the rain yesterday?"

He didn't answer, instead he hugged me. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I fucked up" he said.

"Why?" I muttered against my breath. "Why!?" I raised my voice a little.

"I-I, I-it's personal" he said and sighed. He then let go of the hug and got out of the room.

I brushed my head upwards and pulled it a little. Why did I have to cry infront of him?


I got out of the room and made our breakfast, since he's here.

I made fried rice, bacon and egg. After a few minutes of waiting, I heard footsteps by the stairs.

He walked down slowly but lightly. He then passed by me and saw his furniture by the living room.

I stopped him and said "Let's eat our breakfast" he then replied "I'm okay"

Suddenly his stomach growled and he hit it lightly. I then grabbed his hands, preventing him on hitting his stomach again.

He looked at me as I drag him to the kitchen. I then let him sit on one of the chairs as I sat across him.

"Dig in!" I said and waited for him to eat. He then gave me an 'is it really okay?' look and I gave out a nod.

We were in the middle of eating when a grain of rice sticking on his lips.

I didn't bother informing him and leaned in to get it. Our faces were really close as we feel each other's breaths.

I got it and showed it to him. He snapped back into reality and just ate his food.

A few minutes later we finished eating as he fish his phone inside his pocket.

He called someone and turn on a frown, then the second and the third. He was frowning on his cute little face.

I then walked up to him and asked "What's the matter?"

He just stood there zoning out with his phone turned off in his left hand.

"I–" he muttered and shooked his head and hit it strongly.

I stopped him from hitting himself and asked my question once again.

"What's the matter?" He sighed and gave in. He looked up to me and said.

"I have no where to go. I was kicked out of my apartment cause I forgot to pay rent"

I looked at him, directly in the eyes and replied

"Then you'll be living with me, puppy"

Hey peaches🍑 another update making this story have a double update for today. Hope you like it and thank you for the comments.

~ k_minjun

puppy love | seungjin ✓Where stories live. Discover now