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What? I bet he have a condition. I don't want to risk anything but I have nowhere to live.

"O-okay" I replied but he just laughed at me. "That wasn't even a question" he said.

"That's a command puppy" he leaned in and whispered in my ear.

I gulped and took a step back. "Did you really want me to live here? Like no condition?" I asked him.

His smile turned into an evil grin. "I don't have any condition with you living here but since a puppy likes to have a condition, then let's have that" he said.

He then pinned me to the wall and looked down at me. He then moved his hands towards my cheek and cupped it.

"I just have three conditions" he said. When will I tell him about the negotiation.

Ughhh! There's so many things to do. So many things to check off my lists.

"First, you will only call me Jinnie but I can call you other nicknames" he said. My jaw dropped at what he said.

"The fck are you saying Hyun–" he cut me off by putting his finger infront of my lips.

"Na-a-ah! Jinnie not Hyunjin!" He demanded. "Fine" I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Second, you will obey me not only inside this house but also outside" he said. I looked down losing energy.

"Last but the most important" he said before I looked at him. "You must stay healthy" he added.

I looked at him in disbelief and pushed him off. "That's it" he said as I got upstairs.

I stopped near the stairs and looked at him. "Where will I stay?" He looked at me confused.

"Obviously my room!" He yelled before I made my way upstairs.

Doesn't he have an extra room. I can literally see a vacant room just across the hallway.

I looked down to see Hyunjin just by the couch watching TV so I took my time and headed to that room.

I twisted the knob but I stooped when I noticed a shadow behind me.

"To note Seungmin, you cannot enter that room" He said as I put my hands away the knob.

I then headed to his room and went for my bag. There I got my charger and my books.

I plugged the charger to a socket just by the table. Then headed to charge my phone.

It dinged and opened a group chat. Felix even made a group chat for me.

They asked me if I was okay. And I replied that I was okay until they messaged me.

Felix then sent a fake crying emoji and I excused my way out.

I needed to study so I opened the books and started to read. But after some time I fell asleep.


A few hours had passed when I got bored of watching TV. So I just headed upstairs to my room.

I wanted to take a nap but I just found myself sitting beside Minnie and admiring his looks.

He looks like and angel, no! He looks like a snail, No! I mean he looks like a puppy.

And there I found myself once again, leaning my face towards him.

I brushed his hair from his forehead and touched his nose. I also touched his nose.

His skin was white as snow and his skin as clear as glass. I don't deserve him.

But everything went silent, when...

I felt his lips connected to mine

Hey peaches🍑 I'm so sorry for this crappy chapter. I felt distracted to some stories today. I gotta mention mayfrommmtok, your stories are great! Well, love y'all ❤

~ k_minjun

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