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Today Felix invited me at his house, again. I got up and fixed Hyunjin.

Earlier, he left and went to Minho's place. I then fixed the bed and showered.

I wore a long sleeved blue and white striped polo and a pair of dark blue shorts.

I got out of the house and walked my way into Felix. I arrived after a 10 minute walk.

While knocking at the door, I fixed my hair. I thought of Felix's intention of inviting me again.

But nothing seems to pop up. The door then opened revealing Felix on his boxers.

My eyes went open wide. Then he realized that he's on his boxers only and ran inside.

I entered and sat down his couch. He sat next to me clothed.

I then asked his intention of inviting me. He then said "I'm actually bored... so I invited you!"

I facepalmed myself as he opens the TV. My mind then flew towards the mission.

Yong bok bridge? I then decided to ask Felix if he knew something about it.

"Felix, do you know something about..." I paused and he just nodded his head, gesturing to continue.

"Yong bok bridge?" As I said those words he laughed his ass out.

"Yong bok bridge? Yong bok? That's my korean name!" He then exclaimed.

"Do you mean, you are the bridge?" I asked him. But he just raised his shoulder.

Yong bok? Wait! If Felix is the bridge then who is it leading to?... No way!

I just shrugged the idea off and just watched some shows with Felix.

Afternoon came and we just skipped Lunch. We're just tired from doing anything.

Then the doorbell rang. I proceeded to open the door.

And there, standing, A Chan hyung and a Jeongin. They lifted a translucent plastic bag.

"Foods?" Chan hyung said. "How did you know?" I asked.

Chan hyung didn't said anything but tapped his temple with two of his fingers.

I then helped them bring the foods into the table. "Seungmin! Who is it?" Felix yelled from the living room.

"Chan hyung and Jeongin!" I yelled back. Felix then sprinted towards the kitchen.

"Hyung! Jeongin!" He then pressed the other two into a hug. "Should we invite Jisung?" Chan hyung asked.

Felix and I looked into each other thinking about the same thing.

We were going to stop Chan hyung from calling Jisung cause before he asked us about inviting Jisung, he had his phone out.

The call rang and there Jisung received the call. Then we all gasped at what we heard.

"Minho hyung~ ahh~ there~ there! Mo–!" The line ended as Chan hyung hug Jeongin.

"I'm sorry Innie!" The youngest blushed and hugged back Chan hyung.

After a minute, they're still hugging each other. I then broke them apart "You finished?" I said as I separate the two.

"Do you think they will use protection?" Asked Jeongin. Chan hyung gasped as Felix laughed his ass out.

"Where did you learn that?" Felix asked. I crossed my arms gesturing them that I also need an answer.

"Chan hyung! Remember we did that t–" Jeongin was cut by Chan hyung as Felix and I stop our laughter.

"Nothing!" Chan hyung defended

Hey peaches🍑 hey there! I didn't think that I put enough scenes for the side ships. And I'm sorry for that.

~ k_minjun

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