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Hyunjin went to take a shower while I tried to sleep. A few minutes had passed but I still can't sleep.

But my thoughts came to an end when Hyunjin got out of the shower.

I faked sleep myself and shut my eyes. Hyunjin then slipped by the covers and looked at me.

If you wonder on how I can see, I actually cracked a small slit by my eyelids.

For minutes, he's just looking at me smiling. Then he leaned on me and kissed my forehead.

I was shocked but contained it. He then said mumbled something, and... what!?

"I think I like you" he said. It took all of my energy to not open my eyes and... and... I don't know!

I just want some sleep! But this, this will keep me all night. If I open my eyes right now, it will be hella awkward.

So I just moved a little and pretended to be sleep moving. The night passed and the morning came.

I woke up with a Hyunjin wrapped unto me. And his face was so near mine.

I can feel his breath and in one small move, our lips would touch.

I tried to pull myself out of him but he tightened his grip. I then mumbled something.

"Don't leave me... stay with me Minnie..." I blushed at his words. I felt my heart beat so fast that I'm worried that he could hear it.

For another hour, we stayed on that position but now my arms are also wrapped to him.

"Minnie~ wake uo now~" He said with a tone. "No!" I replied. He then stood up with my legs wrapped in his waist and my arms by his neck.

I rested my head in his shoulders. We then arrived at the kitchen. "Looks like someone is clingy~" he teased me but that won't work.

His body warmth was so addicting that I just want to stay there.

He then threatened me "If you won't let go... I'll kiss you" he paused and continued.

"I dare you!" I said which made him smirk and there. He stole a kiss on my lips.

"No!!!" I yelled at him. "That's what you get for daring me" he replied.


Monday came, Seungmin and I got to school together. But we stopped walking when we saw Felix by the front door.

"S-seungmin and H-hyunjin!?" He paused. "How can it be? I mean the good and the meanie!" Felix added.

Seungmin was going to talk when Felix cut him off. "Where did you stayed Seungmin? I'm sorry" Felix asked and apologized to Seungmin.

I then bluntly answered his question "He stayed with me Felix"

Felix's jaws went wide open. He eyed Seungmin and then me and then back at Seungmin.

He even laid his fingers, pointing to both of us. "You two?" He then sighed.

"Okay... Hyunjin, I'll give you approval but you must be good to Seungmin~" he said as he pinched Seungmin's cheeks.

"Why do I need your approval? And approval for what?" I asked. He just crossed his arms.

"You!... being Seungmin's boyfriend!"

Hey peaches🍑 Sorry for the crappy chapter. I'm gonna be back with a funny chapter, I'll try. Keyword: try.

~ k_minjun

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