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A week had go on when I have to live in a cycle. From home, to school, then review, then my homework and  then his homeworks.

I thought that, day by day, his homeworks will get lesser but I was wrong, it got more and more.

My sleep also became less and less. I practically am a zombie.

I also haven't taken care of Felix everyday and I got more slower as my memory get weaker.

I got to school and saw Felix waiting for me outside. I was worried because who knows might grab him and beat the hell out of him.

"Felix! What are you doing outside" I said as I compare myself as a failing guardian.

"You should worry about yourself more Seungmin! That Hyunjin got you in his hands" he said loudly.

"But anyways, Good morning Seungmin" he said and we got inside the school.

I left Felix for Hyunjin and went to his class. I got inside and earned may looks, again.

I handed him his homeworks I did last night. He then grabbed it forcefully.

The paper has been torn and he looked at me angrily. "Look what you did!" He yelled at me.

"Sorry" I said and bowed. He then grabbed something from his bag and threw it at the ground.

He then said "Do that and give it to me tomorrow" I took it and left the room to get back on my class.

The bell rang and I found myself at our lunch table. Everyone was laughing their asses off and here I am, looking like a shit.

"Seungmin, did you take care of the negotiation?" Chan hyung said making me confused.

"H-how did you know hyung!?" I asked as I gasp at the same time. I don't remember telling him.

"Seungmin, you must take care of yourself. Restrain from studies. You don't even remember yourself telling me that yesterday, here! At the same place" I looked at him shooked.

"I-I did?" I replied and he shouted "Yeah!" before adding "Don't worry about your test"

The school bell rang as we continue on our afternoon classes.

After a few hours of studying, from the time the school bell rang till now, 7 in the evening.

I then packed my things quickly so that I won't be locked once again here.

I walked, headed home and saw my things outside the apartment complex.

I then ran inside and asked my landlord. He said that he informed me about the rent five days ago and I said that I would pay him back two days ago.

I was shocked and I couldn't remember anything. Then he asked me to leave and get my things.

I said I cannot cause I have no one. But he just pushed me outside with my belongings.

I sat there at my stool and put my face into my palm. I forgot to file my report.

I was lost in my own cloud as waters fell from above. I snapped back and realized it was raining.

"Why did this have to happen, now?" I mumbled to myself.

My head started to throbbed and the pain grew and got over me.

It was so painful as I fall from my stool and met the wet floor.

I felt weak and alone as I was lying my back out, not to mention the pain and how uncomfortable it is.

I then saw a figure, a blurry figure walking near me. Before I could even see him all went...


Hey peaches🍑 I know you would all like an update, but not a late one. Hehehe. Hope you like it!

~ k_minjun

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