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This day has been a long one for me. First of all, the morning with Felix, then Changbin's confession and...

Mr. Nam, my math teacher called me to his office. I know what's going to happened and I don't like that.

I knocked at his door lightly and he answered a "Come in!" I opened the door to see him typing something on his computer.

I shut the door and walk closer to him. He stopped typing and looked at me.

"Hyunjin! How are you?" He asked. I scratched my neck and gave him a worried smile.

I may be a bully but I don't like to mess up my studies. He grabbed some papers and handed it to me.

I looked at the papers to see my name and my grades, low grades.

I felt embarrassed and gave him the papers back. He lift his glasses back to his nose bridge and sighed.

"I, recommend you Hyunjin... to get a... tutor" he looked at me straight at the eye.

"I can study alone Mr. Nam!" I defended and he shooked his head.

I sighed in defeat. "Then can you recommend some student?" I asked.

He looked at his computer and turned back to me. "There's this kid that I'm impressed with..." he paused.

"Kim Seungmin" he said normally. A smile crept up my face and Mr. Nam looked at me confused.

"We're close, Mr. Nam" I said and he just nodded and gestured me that I can leave now.


I went home alone, cause Hyunjin had been called by Mr. Nam, his and my math teacher.

I got to our room and I settled at the bed. I threw my bag beside the bed as I remove my clothes.

I headed to the bathroom to shower. After my shower, I changed into Hyunjin's oversized white hoodie and a gray pair of short-shorts.

I opened my bag to grab some books. I sat by Hyunjin's desk and there I studied for an hour.

I looked at my phone to see that Hyunjin hadn't been home for an hour.

That's odd. He doesn't stay out for too long. I texted Hyunjin, he gave me his number when we were eating breakfast earlier.

I texted him, about when he will go home. He texted back that he would be home after 20 minutes.

I shrugged it off and went to take a nap. My eyelids felt heavy and soon I drifted to sleep.

I was awoke when I felt a weight by my side. I opened my eyes to see Hyunjin smiling at me.

He was so close, that I could feel his hot breath. I was flustered and caused me to blush a shade of pink.

He tapped me, "Seungmin, you're awake now" he said worriedly. "Why?" He looked at his phone at my question.

"You've been asleep for three hours" he said as I let my eyes widen.

I was going to stand up when he jumped at me. I was trapped between his arms and tights.

"Rule number two minnie, you need to obey me. Now be a good pup!" I closed my eyes as he said those words.

He leaned in closer to my ear and blew hot air. I shake as he make me nervous.

"Tutor me"

Hey peaches🍑 late update. It's exactly 12 am at our country right now. Thank you for the 500 views.

~ k_minjun

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