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I was walking home when I felt that my guardian senses are saying that Felix is in danger.

"What just happened to that cat?" I muttered as I ran fast towards school but I had problems with a guard.

He didn't allow me to enter so I lied that I left my phone inside and with that he thought for a second and let me in.

My senses are getting stronger. Then I opened the door which I felt like Felix is in.

And there he was with the boy who was bullying him earlier.

I saw cuts and bruises on his skin. So I hurriedly healed him. He was amazed by my power to heal.

I put my hands over his cuts and bruises and when I put my hand away it disappeared.

Felix was happy but was also worried. "Seungmin! I-I don't know what to d-do?"

I then asked him "What did exactly happened?" And there he confessed.

"H-he was kicking me when I-I sensed that he is in pain. S-so I tried to stop him by t-tripping him and here he is" he said between his sobs.

And there I gestured him to stop worrying and just go home. He insisted to stay with me and the boy but I refused to let him.

And now I found myself, in my room and the boy in my bed. He has a raven hair and his skin were pure white and smooth.

I then I tried to find him in my memories and yeah, it's one of our abilities.

Then I remembered that I kicked him and he flew away and crashed at the lockers.

I remember him bullying Felix but I did not remember him when I kicked him hard.

I internally facepalmed and think of what to do. I opened our manual and yes, guardian hybrids also have manual.

So kids better read your manual everyday. This manual is like our bible and we also need to read it everyday.

So there I tried to find articles about healing a human.

I successfully found one but I also found another article related to what happened to him.

Article A. II. 468

States that when a guardian hybrid harmed a human, whether intentional or not. A guardian hybrid (accused) must negotiate with that human, specifically the accuser.

I gulped when I found this article. All I can say is that, it's so broad. He can even order me to harm myself.

Uhh! Forget it. I must just go to his healing.


I woke up at a different room. My head hurts but the pain from the left side of stomach was gone.

I then stood up and looked around the room. And my eyes landed on one specific thing.

A fold-able bed with a cute person in it. I moved my face nearer that person.

He kinda looks like a puppy. I brushed my hands over his nose, cheeks and lips.

He looks really beautiful and his lips was calling me. I then brushed my hands on his brown hair.

He suddenly purred at my touch. Flipped on the bed left and right. He also held my hand and rubbed his cheeks with it.

I giggled a little then he woke up. I widen my eyes when he shot up the fold-able bed.

"D-did you touch me?" He asked. I nodded and he faceplamed himself.

"D-do I know you?" He asked me once again. "No" I replied.

"But can I ask you what happened?" I asked him. "I-I found you unconscious inside the classroom. I don't know what to do. I don't know you're house."

"You might even think of me as a pervert, but no. I didn't do anything. I promise! I di-" I cut him off as I finger hush him.

"Cute" he muttered

Hey peaches🍑 third update coming up! I really wanted to write this kind of stories so I really am happy for this third update.

~ k_minjun

puppy love | seungjin ✓Where stories live. Discover now