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I came to school and it once again reminded me on how disgusting hybrids are.

I don't want my day to be ruined by a hybrid so I just chilled and think about the boy earlier.

His name is Seungmin, Kim Seungmin and that's all I know.

The bell rang indicating it was lunch. I came out of our room and as expected Minho and Changbin is waiting for me.

They laughed at each other as I approach them. "Hey Hyunjin!" Changbin greeted.

"Hey hyung!" I greeted. Minho and Changbin looked at me with confusion.

"Hyung?" Minho restated. "I thought you don't like honorifics" he added.

"Yeah! Remember that time when we forced you to call us hyung. You snapped bruh!" Changbin said.

"Or that time when you bruh the principal. You should have seen his reaction" Minho said as they both laugh at each other.

Soon we went to our usual table and ate our food. And then I felt that someone was staring at us and I was right.

That hybrid is looking at us, Felix. I didn't look at him but I can see from my side that he is staring at Changbin.

I called Changbin and I said the thing about Felix looking at him.

And soon, I saw Seungmin looking at us. Then he looked at Felix and stared right back at us.

Then I can hear a loud noise, like chopsticks thrown with an impact.

I looked at Seungmin as he got up and take his unfinished meal.

"Minho, Changbin, I'll go now" I said before taking my bag.

They haven't finished what they're saying when I was out of the place.

I went up and ran after Seungmin. I grabbed his hands and he looked back to see me.

"What do you want to say?" He asked me. I can hear a touch of anger in his voice.

I also didn't know why I grabbed his wrist. I was spacing out when he removed his wrists from my hand.

"I-I don't know" he was walking away when I spoke up.

He looked back at me with an annoyed face and walked away.

I once again grabbed his wrists and he once again looked at me.

"What are you angry" I asked him and he yelled back at me "I'm not angry!"

"Then why are you yelling?" I asked with a calmer voice. "I-I don't know" he answered back.

"Hyunjin! Just stop" he yelled my name but said the next words softer.

I let go and he went on his way.


The bell rang indicating that our afternoon classes. I endure the long hours until the fourth bell rang.

I was about to pack my things when Mr. Gong called me. "Mr. Kim"

I packed my things quickly and headed to the front where Mr. Gong is.

"Mr. Kim as I know you just transferred here at our school and as you know that the exams are just around the corner." Mr. Gong said.

I nodded and know where it is going so before Mr. Gong continue I answered back.

"It's okay Sir. I can manage my time and review for the exams" I quickly answered and he smiled.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Kim and good luck!" He said before heading on his way.

I must go to the library

Hey peaches🍑 as I've said another (boring) update. Just wait until the next chapter.

~ k_minjun

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