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I woke up with a puddle of drool in Hyunjin's desk. Oh my gosh! I have to clean this up.

I got tissues and also an alcohol. I shouldn't have fallen asleep.

I wiped my drool on his desk and head out with a ton of tissues.

I headed towards the kitchen and walked passed Hyunjin whose eyes were widely open.

"M-minnie? What did you do with all those tissues?" He asked me so I replied.

"I wiped some liquid off your desk. I cannot lie so I told you" I said. He looked at me shocked from my confession.

"What kind of liquid are you referring to?" He asked me. What kind? My saliva it is!

I don't want to tell him exactly so I just said "A viscous white or clear? liquid" I said.

He just grabbed my shoulders and shooked me. "Minnie, you aren't so innocent after all" he said with a sly smirk.

After a few seconds, I got it. I realized the kind of liquid he was referring to.

"Jinnie, please don't tell me you have mistakenly think of other liquid rather than my saliva" I quickly said.

"Y-your saliva?" He asked and I responded by nodding.

I sighed and was a bout to left when my stomach decided to embarrass me.

Hyunjin heard and giggled. "Do you want to eat outside or order something? I'm too tired to cook" he said.

"Anything... is good" I quickly replied. "Can I borrow some of your clothes?" I added.

"You can pick whatever you want" He said to me which made me jump in joy.

"Anything?" I asked him once again. "Anything" he reassured.

I jumped high and he was shocked to see me jumped that high. Oh! He still doesn't know that I'm a guardian hybrid.

When I tried to land myself, he then caught me. My legs was now wrapped in his waist.

My arms then came to wrap on his neck. He looked at me and blushed. I giggled at the sight.

I then poked his nose and he got a little redder. He then tried to lean closer to me.

It made my heart do a hundred flips. Why is he distracting and confusing me all the time?

I still haven't passed my last mission yet. And it's hell of a hard that even my intellectulal brain can't handle.

I then let go of our positions and ran fast upstairs. I'm sure he's freaking out of how fast I am.

But he might not be cause he literally saw me turning the lock open and closing it.

I then searched for something in my bag and found it. It's the paper for my last mission.


100th mission,

Kim Seungmin must find a bridge named Yong bok and he will give you way to someone who will be your last mission. And also protect a hybrid named Felix and help him with his forbidden love.


I left it by Hyunjin's desk when I realized that I stink. Not that bad but, I hate it when I smell.

I got inside the bathroom and showered. Little did I knew that realizing that I need a shower was...

a bad idea

Hey peaches🍑 I don't know how to end this chapter. Like if you know me, I would always have an ending phrase that is in italic. But the ending phrase for this chapter really sucked. Well, I'm off to laughing.

~ k_minjun

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