Chapter 16

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The rest of January and February pass by without much fan fair. I'm doing well in all my classes in school and Asher is blissfully happy whenever he's on set, even when he has to work overnight or sixteen hours a day. He says the show is going great, the cast has all really bonded and become friends and they feel like the show will be a success when it debuts in the fall.

In March, we fly to Indiana for a long weekend with Asher's family. I've never been to Indiana, although he promises me I haven't been missing much. He grew up outside of Indianapolis, so he gives me a grand tour of his hometown and we venture into the city to see some of his favorite places. He takes me to the theater downtown where he acted in a handful of productions and he introduces me to some friends that chose to stay close for college. It all feels so normal; Molly and Kyle ensure I feel more than welcome. Molly dotes on me and asks me questions that my own mom should be asking and I love her even more for it. I feel a pang of jealousy that Asher has such amazing parents but the feeling is quickly replaced when they treat me just like a member of the James family.

When our weekend is over and they drive us to the airport, Molly cries when she hugs us goodbye and then sends us off with packed lunches and snacks for our flight. Asher is quiet on our flight back to Florida and I know it's hard for him to be so far away from home, but his parents wouldn't let him pass up this opportunity for anything.

In April, Asher accompanies me to my high school prom and I have never seen anyone wear a rented tux like he does. We spend the evening with Hazel and Finn and some other friends dancing and laughing. Gogo extended my curfew until midnight but refused to let me stay out all night, so Asher deposits me at the door at 11:59pm with a sweet kiss goodnight. After washing my face, I climb into bed and scroll through all the pictures I took that evening. I send the best one of me and Asher to him and he immediately texts back.

Had the best time. You looked HOT tonight! Love you Kins.

I smile as I read his text.

You looked pretty hot yourself. Love you. Goodnight.

The dots pop up as he replies.

Until forever.

I turn off my light and fall asleep with my ears still ringing from the music.

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