Chapter 27

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"To senior year!" Jake proclaims as he raises his drink and we all toast. He smiles at me and leans over and kisses my cheek and says, "It's going to be an amazing year sweetie!"

"I couldn't agree more," I smile as I finish my drink.

I'm a few weeks into my senior year of college and have been so busy that this is the first night I've been able to meet my friends for drinks. We're at our favorite campus bar, The Library, which is quiet bar where people don't have to shout over obnoxious music to hear each other.

"Who wants to share a fishbowl?" Henry hops up from the table and heads over to the bar before anyone agrees, but he knows if he brings it to the table, we'll all drink our fair share. Henry is Jake's boyfriend of three years and also one of my best friends.

Jake and I met halfway through freshman year in an Intro to Graphic Design class and clicked immediately. We quickly became inseparable and have spent the last three years together, both in and out of class.

Henry comes back with a fishbowl and five straws for everyone to share. "If we're going to drink this ridiculous thing, we need a game to play while we do it," he says, "and I've got the perfect one." He pulls his phone out and opens up some gaming app. "First and Favorites. You have to share your favorite of something, like favorite food or color, or share your first of something, you know, first job or first pet, things like that. And while you're thinking, you can be drinking!"

"Oh lord, I'm going to be so drunk," Darcy exclaims, "this is going to be a good night!" Vi laughs at her and shakes her head. "Darc, every night with you is a good night!"

Violet and Darcy lived across the hall from me my freshman year and we became fast friends. They are like the sisters I never had or knew I wanted. I wouldn't have survived college without these people.

"Ok, I'll go first, let me have the fishbowl," Henry says and hits a button on his phone. The screen is scrolling quickly and while it scrolls he's sucking down the red concoction that is the specialty at The Library, a fishbowl full of alcohol. His phone beeps and the screen flashes. "Let's see, favorite food. That's easy, tacos," he proclaims as he passes the phone to Jake. "Your turn babe."

As we continue to play, we are laughing more and more and the fishbowl has less and less in it. I don't normally drink very much, so I'm well on my way to having a killer hangover tomorrow, but I'm choosing not to think about that right now.

"Kinsley, your turn," Vi says as she hands me the phone and the fishbowl.

I'm diligently drinking my share when the phone beeps and I have to read it twice. First kiss.

"Ooohh, first kiss," Darcy exclaims clapping her hands, "you better give us more than a name. I want details girl."

"Asher James," I say as I push the fishbowl back to the center of the table. Everyone gets quiet suddenly and is staring at me like I have three heads.

"What? Why are you staring at me?" I ask. "Do I have something on my face?"

All of sudden they all start laughing. "Kinsley, you're hilarious. Kissing a magazine or a poster of someone doesn't count. But damn, Asher James would make a fine first kiss," Violet says wistfully.

"Oh," I say, realizing I do sound crazy. "No, really, my first kiss was Asher James. I was sixteen and it was on the dock behind Gogo's condo." I haven't thought about that kiss for a long time. I try not to think about all the kisses that followed that one either but inevitably they creep into my mind from time to time. It's hard not to think about them sometimes when I see Asher's face on the internet or in the grocery checkout.

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