Chapter 24

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I wake up Thursday morning feeling what I suspect a hangover would feel like. I had a restless night and wake with a headache. After downing some Tylenol, I eat breakfast and finish packing for my trip. I need to be completely ready before Asher comes so we can spend our last day together. We're going to go to the viewing party and press event together and my parents will be picking me up from there for our red-eye flight to Paris.

When Asher texts a few hours later that he's downstairs, I say goodbye to Gogo and my parents and head down to meet him. When I step outside though, it's Oliver I'm greeted by and not Asher.

"Hey Kinsley," he says casually, "your chariot awaits." He opens the door to his jeep. When I don't move, he points to the car and whispers, "he's inside, hop in."

"Oh, ok, thanks Oliver, I appreciate it," I tell him as he closes the door for me. I turn to peek in the backseat and sure enough, Asher is laying across the back with a grin on his face.

"What on earth are you doing back there?" I inquire.

"Isn't it obvious, I'm hiding, in case anyone figured out where you lived."

"Well, thank god that doesn't seem to have happened yet. But it is a secure building, so at least no one could get in. Gogo would lose her mind," I tell him as Oliver drives us away from the building.

Asher proceeds to tell me we will be spending the afternoon hiding out in his apartment. I brought my clothes for the party with me, so I didn't have to go back home to change. When we get to his place, I'm greeted by the delicious aromas of Italian food.

"I had Giada's deliver so we could have it together before you left town," he says with a proud smile on his face.

"That's so sweet of you Ash, thank you for thinking of me," I say as we sit down to eat. Clearly the food is delicious and after we are both in food comas, we lay together on the couch and just talk. It's crazy to think that this time tomorrow, I'll be on another continent. Sometimes there already feels like there are oceans between us. I didn't think it would be this hard, dating a tv star. It sounds so glamorous, but the reality of it is something much different. This is Asher's dream and I would never change that for him, I just wish there were an easier way to navigate through it.

"Babe, you ok?" he asks as he kisses my neck. "You're awfully quiet."

"I know, sorry, just thinking about how much I'm going to miss you while I'm gone." He distracts me with his kisses and then he's tickling me and I'm squirming on the couch trying to get away from him.

"I'm going to miss you too, so much," he mumbles in between kisses. "But don't worry, we'll talk everyday and we can FaceTime, assuming I can figure out the time difference. Since filming has wrapped, my schedule should be pretty open. But now," he states as he pulls me off the couch, "we need to properly celebrate your graduation." He winks at me and drags me into his bedroom.

A few hours later, when we're both ready for the Southside season finale viewing party, Oliver picks us up. The event is at a movie theater venue, the finale episode will be streamed on the big screen and then afterwards there's a cast Q&A with press and fans. I'm expecting my parents shortly after the Q&A starts, so Asher has assured me we will have about 20 minutes in between to say goodbye to each other.

We watch the season finale with the cast and their families to much fanfare. It's an awesome wrap to an amazingly successful first season. There's a bit of a cliffhanger ending, just enough to keep the fans buzzing until season two. The credits roll to roaring applause. Asher and I clap and scream along with everyone else and he leans over and kisses me.

"I couldn't have done this without you," he whispers in my ear. "You're my everything Kins."

"Asher, I'm so proud of you, you were amazing. I can't wait to see all the wonderful places this will take you. It's your dream come true," I tell him as I squeeze his hand in mine.

"You're my dream come true," he laughs.

"Ok, now you're just being cheesy, hotshot," I laugh back at him.

"Yo, Asher, cast meeting backstage, let's roll," Levi shouts from the aisle.

Asher has a confused look on his face as he turns back to me. "Sorry babe, I didn't know anything about this. I'll be right back. You head over area marked for family and friends backstage and I'll meet you there."

"Ok, no worries, you go do your thing," I tell him as he heads towards his castmates.

Twenty minutes later I'm a nervous wreck because my parents will be here any minute and if we don't leave on time, we'll miss our flight, and Asher's still in a meeting. Finally, the door opens and the cast burst through all chattering, with wide smiles on their faces. Asher rushes over to me and pulls me into the corner.

"What's going on Ash?" I ask, feeling nervous because his hair looks like he's been running his fingers through it for the past twenty minutes.

"Well, some great news. The network has already picked up the show for another three seasons," he says.

"Oh my god, Asher! That's amazing," I exclaim as I hug him. I pull back because his arms are limp around me. "Why do you look like someone just died then. Isn't this good news?"

"Kins, um, yeah, this is great news. But there's a problem," he stammers.

"What, just spit it out, you're killing me here Ash." I look at him expectantly.

"The network wants to expand our sets and stuff, so, um, next season the show is going to film in Los Angeles."

I can feel the blood draining from my face. Los Angeles. This cannot be happening.

Their director is calling everyone to the side door so they can be introduced for the Q&A. I can feel my phone vibrating over and over in my purse. My parents are probably outside. I have to leave.

"Don't worry babe, we will figure this out, I love you. We can make this work. Maybe you can go to school in LA, I'm sure there are a ton of great design schools. I don't know, we'll figure it out. I promise," he vows, all the time running his fingers through his hair, clearly concerned about how exactly we are going to figure this out.

"I have to go," I whisper. It's all I can say.

"Wait, before you go, there's one more thing," he says with a scared look on his face. "Production needs us in town early for some press events or I don't know what. But they said July 15th is our drop dead date of arrival."

"I fly back to town on July 16th." I can barely hear myself over the hundred of fans gathered in the next room. The MC for the evening is already starting to introduce the cast, I can hear someone calling Asher's name from across the room. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"I know Kins, this isn't ideal, god, please don't cry. It guts me when you cry," he sighs as he pulls me to his chest. "We will figure this out. I love you."

He kisses me like there's no tomorrow and ironically, there may be no tomorrow for us. My phone is still incessantly vibrating in my purse.

"I have to go Asher."

"Ok, have a wonderful trip, call me every day, I love you Kinsley," he declares with a final kiss.

"I love you Asher. I do, I love you so much it hurts," I cry as the tears are freely falling now. I turn and run out of the room. Before the door closes, I hear Asher shout, "Until the stars fade."

As I'm leaving the venue I hear the MC's voice shouting over the crowd, "Ladies and gentleman, Asher James!" The screams are deafening as I push open the door and jump into the waiting car.

Two months later when I return to town, Asher is gone and he's taken my heart with him.

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